á Isaac Luginaah Isaac Luginaah Western University Social Science Logo
  • convocation

    Convocation 2015: Congratulations Dr. Armah and Germaine Tuyisenge

  • AAG

    AAG 2014: Tampa, Florida:

    AAG 2014: Tampa, Florida

  • Isaac Royal Scholar

    Dr. Luginaah named inaugural member of "The College"

  • Malawi Focus Groups

    Malawi: Focus Groups

  • Ghana

    Ghana: Maternal Health

  • Biosolid Land Application

    Southern Ontario: Biosolid Fertilizer Land Application

  • Cambodia

    Cambodia: Coastal Environmental Changes

  • Aamjiwnaang First Nations

    Aamjiwnaang First Nations: Talfourd Creek Contamination


My broad area of research interest includes environment and health, population health and GIS applications in health. My work involves an integrative understanding of the broad determinants of the population health and the evidence of environment and health linkages. I am specifically interested in the human health impacts of environmental exposure and recent work in this area involves examining the links between ambient air quality and health in Southwestern Ontario. I am also involved in HIV/AIDS research in Africa, specifically Kenya, Ghana and Nigeria.


Recent Publications

Kansanga, M. M., Braimah, J., Antabe, R., Sano, Y., Kyeremeh, E., & Luginaah, I. (2019). Examining the association between exposure to mass media and health insurance enrolment in Ghana. International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 26(1): 11-24.

Konkor, I., Kansanga, M., Sano, Y., Atuoye, K., & Luginaah, I. (2019). Risk-taking behaviours and timing to first motorbike collision in the Upper West Region of Ghana. Journal of Transport & Health, 12: 105-114.

Atuoye, K. N., Luginaah, I., Hambati, H., & Campbell, G. (2019). Politics, economics, how about our health? Impacts of large-scale land acquisitions on therapeutic spaces and wellbeing in coastal Tanzania. Social science & medicine, 220: 283-291.

Kansanga, M., & Luginaah, I. (2019). Agrarian livelihoods under siege: Carbon forestry, tenure constraints and the rise of capitalist forest enclosures in Ghana. World Development, 113: 131-142.

Mkandawire, P., Atari, O., Kangmennaang, J., Arku, G., Luginaah, I., & Etowa, J. (2019). Pregnancy intention and gestational age at first antenatal care (ANC) visit in Rwanda. Midwifery68: 30-38.

Gilliland, J, Maltby, M, Xu, X, Luginaah, I, Shah, T. (2018). Influence of the Natural and Built Environment on Personal Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) in Cyclists Using City Designated Bicycle Routes. Urban Science, 2(4): 120.

Anfaara, F. W., Atuoye, K. N., Mkandawire, P., & Luginaah, I. (2018). Factors Associated with Voluntary Testing for HBV in the Upper West Region of Ghana. Health & Place, 54: 85-91.

Kansanga, M., Andersen, P., Kpienbaareh, D., Mason-Renton, S., Atuoye, K., Sano, Y., Antabe, R., & Luginaah, I. (2018). Traditional agriculture in transition: examining the impacts of agricultural modernization on smallholder farming in Ghana under the new Green Revolution. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 1-14.

Mason‐Renton, S. A., & Luginaah, I. (2018). Conceptualizing waste as a resource: Urban biosolids processing in the rural landscape. The Canadian Geographer/Le Géographe Canadien, 62(2): 266-281.

Sano, Y., Antabe, R., Atuoye, K. N., Braimah, J. A., Galaa, S. Z., & Luginaah, I. (2018). Married women’s autonomy and post-delivery modern contraceptive use in the Democratic Republic of Congo. BMC women's health, 18(1): 49.


For a full list of Dr. Luginaah's publications click here