Geography Ethics Application Screening Committee (GEASC)

What is the GEASC?

The purpose of the GEASC is to facilitate submissions to the University’s Non-Medical Research Ethics Board (NMREB). The GEASC Committee will review a student’s application prior to submission of the formal application to the NMREB. The GEASC members (Table 1) are available to advise students on research ethics issues generally and, specifically, to help the student successfully complete the NMREB ethics application process with a minimum of error and delay.

Who should submit to the GEASC?

The GEASC is for all Geography graduate students and undergraduate students (e.g. Geog 490E) who are planning to conduct research involving human subjects. You are strongly advised to use the GEASC although strictly speaking you can submit through your advisor directly to the NMREB.

Who does not need to submit to the GEASC?

The following students need not submit to GEASC or NMREB:

  • Students whose project has already received ethics approval (e.g. supervisor has already received NMREB approval) unless the work represents a “change to the approved protocol”.
  • Students conducting research as part of a course that has “blanket” approval to conduct research (responsibility of the instructor).

How do I apply for ethics approval?

  1. Obtain a NMREB application form from the NMREB Website.
  2. Familiarize yourself with the NMREB guidelines
  3. Fill out the form in consultation with your advisor.
  4. Submit the completed form two weeks prior to the next NMREB submission deadline (see Deadlines below) to the Graduate Assistant in the Geography Main office.
  5. Make changes as per GEASC comments and resubmit if advised to do so.
  6. Submit the form to your advisor for their approval and signature.
  7. Submit to NMREB by the next relevant date (see Deadlines below).

When do I apply?

Apply as early as possible. The NMREB meets once a month, usually near the beginning of the month. GEASC deadlines are set at two weeks prior to the NMREB submission deadline to allow time for feedback, revision and resubmission to the GEASC, if required. Two weeks will typically be enough time to deal with any issues that arise, but should the GEASC advise changes that cannot be completed before the next NMREB date, the application may still be submitted a month hence. We highly recommend that you submit well before the GEASC deadline.

Table 1: Members of the GEASC

Member Office Telephone Number
Godwin Arku SSC 2427 661-2111 ext. 85343
Dan Shrubsole SSC 2322 661-2111 ext. 83126

Deadlines for Ethics Form Submission

Information on NMREB submission deadlines can be found on the NMREB website.