Adjunct Faculty

Peter Ashmore

Adjunct Research Professor

Research Interests / Specializations: Fluvial geomorphology, sediment transport, urban river systems, socio-geomorphology
Western University, ON

Bob Bailey

Adjunct Professor

Research Interests / Specializations: Bioassessment of aquatic ecosystems, from the values and objectives that lead to initiation of a program, to its design, execution and interpretation of the information collected that leads to action
University of Ontario Institute of Technology, ON

Stephanie Coen

Adjunct Research Professor

Research Interests / Specializations: Gender, health equity, health geography, knowledge translation, qualitative research methods

Belinda Dodson

Adjunct Research Professor

Research Interests / Specializations: Migration, gender, international development, Southern Africa
Western University, ON

David Goldblum

Adjunct Research Professor

Research Interests / Specializations: Biogeography; Natural and anthropogenic disturbances on forest, grassland and woodland plant communities
University of Colorado Boulder, USA

Diana Lewis

Adjunct Research Professor

Research Interests / Specializations: Indigenous environmental health, Indigenous methodology, quantitative methods, community-based research, risk/environmental assessment, social/environmental justice
University of Guelph, ON

Brian Luckman

Adjunct Professor

Research Interests / Specializations: Alpine environments, dendrochronology, glacier fluctuations and Global Change. Holocene glacier fluctuations; Reconstruction of proxy climate for the last millennium (including Little Ice Age) using tree-ring width, density and isotopic composition and dendroglaciology/ dendrogeomorphology. Major regional interests in the Canadian Rocky Mountains and the Northern Canadian Cordillera. Reconstructing climate variability along the PEP-1 transect (Alaska-Tierra del Fuego) using tree-ring chronologies from treeline environments.
Western University, ON
519-661-2111 x.85012

Gina Martin

Adjunct Research Professor

Research Interests / Specializations: Health geography, health inequalities, understanding neighbourhood effects (such as social environments, urban/rural differences, and built and natural environments) on child and adolescent health and wellbeing

Nassisse Solomon

Adjunct Research Professor

Teaching: Western University, ON

Adam Yates

Adjunct Research Associate Professor

Research Interests / Specializations: Aquatic Ecosystems in Populated Landscapes; Development and Application of Ecological Assessment Methods for Aquatic Ecosystems; Watershed Description and Analysis
University of Waterloo, ON