Cross Appointments

Bipasha Baruah
- Canada Research Chair
- Cross Appointed with Women's Studies and Feminist Research

Bipasha Baruah

Position: Professor
Telephone: 519-661-2111 ext. 86316
Office: LH 3244

Research Interests
Global Women's Issues

Fred Longstaffe
- Canada Research Chair
- Cross Appointed with Earth Sciences

Fred Longstaffe

Position: Professor
Telephone: 519-661-2111 ext. 83177
Office: BGS 1023

Research Interests
Stable isotope science across the atmosphere-hydrosphere-biosphere-lithosphere (rock, soil) continuum (earth-systems science); Stable isotope and biomarker proxies for paleoclimate reconstruction in continental and lacustrine systems; Stable isotope systematics of Pleistocene and Holocene ecosystems and associated megafauna; Stable isotopic analysis of anthropological materials and its applications to environment and climate reconstruction; Stable isotope systematics of hydrous minerals; Triple oxygen-isotope systematics; Oil sands; Diagenesis of clastic sedimentary systems; Clay mineralogy; Rock-water interaction in hydrothermal systems and mineralization.