Peter Ashmore

Peter Ashmore

Contact Information

Office: Room 1405, SSC
Tel: 519 661-2111, 85026

Research Areas

Fluvial geomorphology, sediment transport, urban river systems, socio-geomorphology

Research Interests

Recent and current projects include: bed material transport in gravel rivers & passive tracer methods; gravel bedload as morphological dynamics; braided river morpho-dynamics and change; urbanization and rivers in Toronto region; stream power tools for anticipating fluvial change from urban development; semi-alluvial river processes and till-bed channels; socio-geomorphology of rivers; river restoration design.


GEO 1300 – Introduction to the Physical Environment

GEO 2330 – Geomorphology & Hydrology

GEO 3334 – Geomorphology of River Channels


Supervised Graduate Students and Theses Titles

PhD Students

  • L. Middleton (Current) Braided river dynamics
  • C. Dawson (2022) Evaluating Morphology Changes of Designed Rivers with a Geomorphic Form Variation (GFV) Approach
  • S. Peirce (2017) Morphological Bedload Transport in Gravel - Bed Braided Rivers
  • J.T. Gardner (2009) Morpho-Dynamics and Sedimentology of Confluences
  • R. Egozi (2006) Channel Pattern Variation in Gravel Bed Braided Rivers
  • A. Doeschl (2002) Assessing braided river dynamics with a cellular model
  • R. Pryce (2001) Morphological Control of Bedload Transport
  • D. Boyes (1999) Morphometry and Lake Development on the Mackenzie Delat, NWT

Masters Students

  • V. Barlow (2022) Measuring the Morphologic Response of Braided Rivers to Lateral Constriction
  • M. Sauro (2021) Bed particle dispersion and scour in the San Juan (Pacheedaht) River
  • R. McQueen (2019) Bed particle displacement in a wandering gravel-bed river
  • D. Barr (2017) Wilket Creek: Urbanization, Geomorphology, Policy and Design
  • J. Howett (2017) Meander belt delineation: Developing a predictive model for meander belt width
  • L. Middleton (2017) Geomorphology
  • T. Hrytsak (2012) Alluvial Cover Dynamics in a Semi-alluvial Channel
  • N. Sampson (2011) Geomorphic Natural Channel Design in Southern Ontario
  • J. McDonald (2011) Morphological Response of Highland Creek to Urbanization
  • M. Ferencevic (2008) DEM Mapping of Stream Power for Southern Ontario Streams
  • F. Varkaris (2002) Variability in Bedload Sediment Transport Estimates
  • S. Baxter (2001) Use of Stream Power for Assessment of Stream Channel Stability
  • J.B. Lindsay (2000) Error in measurement of river bed topography and topographic change
  • G.E. Foster (1999) Morphology of 3 Semi-Alluvial Stream Channels in S. Ontario
  • B.D. Kussner (1995) Variation of bedload transport in Sunwapta River, Alberta
  • D. Jackson (1994) The sedimentology of braided gravel-bed rivers
  • L.C. Chew (1994) Channel adjustments in a pro-glacial stream
  • J.J.W. Luce (1994) Confluence zone sedimentation processes
  • J. Goff (1991) Braiding: bed sediment transport and morphological change
  • F.M. Conly (1990) Patterns of bar development and sand-flat initiation in the South Saskatchewan River


Refereed Journals

K. Ghunowa, B.J. MacVicar & P. Ashmore, (2021). "Stream power index for networks (SPIN) toolbox for decision support in urbanizing watersheds." Environmental Modeling & Software, Volume 144,

McQueen, R., Ashmore, P., Millard, T. & Goeller, N. (2021). "Bed particle displacements and morphological development in a wandering gravel-bed river." Water Resources Research, 57, e2020WR027850.

S. Peirce, B.J. MacVicar, E. Papangelakis, L. Vervynck & P. Ashmore. (2021). "Experiments on restoring alluvial cover using gravel augmentation in a variable width channel with irregular meanders." Geomorphology, 379, 107585.

Papangelakis, E., Welber, M., Ashmore, P. and MacVicar, B. (2021). "Controls of alluvial cover formation, morphology and bedload transport in a sinuous channel with a non-alluvial boundary." Earth Surface Processes Landforms, 46: 399–416.

Papangelakis, E., MacVicar, B. & Ashmore, P. (2019). "Bedload sediment transport regimes of semi-alluvial rivers conditioned by urbanization and stormwater management." Water Resources Research, 55, 10565– 10587.[2019 Water Resources Research Editors Choice]

Leduc, P., Peirce, S. & Ashmore, P. (2019). "Short Communication: Challenges and applications of structure-from-motion photogrammetry in a physical model of a braided river." Earth Surface Dynamics, 7, 97-106.

Middleton, L., Ashmore, P., Leduc, P. & Sjogren, D. (2019). "Rates of planimetric change in a proglacial gravel-bed braided river: field measurement and physical modeling." Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 44: 752-765.

Peirce, S., Ashmore, P. & Leduc, P. (2019). "Evolution of grain size distributions and bed mobility during hydrographs in gravel-bed braided rivers." Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 44: 304–316.

Peirce, S., Ashmore, P. & Leduc, P. (2018). "Variability in the morphological active width: results from physical models of gravel-bed braided rivers." Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 43, 2371–2383. DOI: 10.1002/esp.4400.

Ashmore, P., Peirce, S. & Leduc, P. (2018). "Expanding the “Active Layer”: Discussion of Church and Haschenburger (2017) What Is the “Active Layer”?" Water Resources Research 53, 5–10, Water Resources Research, 54, 1425–1427.

Leduc, P., Ashmore, P. & Sjogren, D. (2017). "Technical note: Ground-based remote sensing of a mountain stream: measuring stage and water width using a simple time-lapse camera." Hydrology and Earth System Science,

Gardner, T., Ashmore, P. & Leduc, P. (2017). "Morpho-sedimentary characteristics of proximal gravel braided river deposits in a Froude-scaled physical model." Sedimentology, 65, 877-896. DOI:10.1111/sed.12409.

Pike, L., Gaskin, S. and Ashmore, P. (2017). "Flume tests on fluvial erosion mechanisms in till‐bed channels." Earth Surf. Process. Landforms, 43: 259–270. DOI:10.1002/esp.4240.

Ashmore, P. and Dodson, B. (2016). "Urbanizing physical geography." The Canadian Geographer, 61, 102-106. DOI: 10111/cag12318.

Thayer, J.B. & Ashmore, P. (2016). "Floodplain morphology, sedimentology, and development processes of a partially alluvial channel." Geomorphology, 269, 160-174.

Métivier, F., Devauchelle, O., Chauvet, H., Lajeunesse, E., Meunier, P., Blanckaert, K., Ashmore, P., Zhang, Z., Fan, Y., Liu, Y., Dong, Z. & Ye, B. (2016). "Geometry of meandering and braided gravel-bed threads from the Bayanbulak Grassland, Tianshan, P. R. China." Earth Surface Dynamics, 4, 273-283.

Chapters in Books

Ashmore, P. (2022). "Braiding. In: Shroder, J.J.F." (Ed.), Treatise on Geomorphology, vol. 6. Elsevier, Academic Press, 517–543.

Ashmore, P. (2018). "Transforming Toronto’s rivers: a socio-geomorphic perspective." in R. Lave,  C. Biermann, S. Lane (Eds). Handbook of Critical Physical Geography (Palgrave, New York) 23: 485-511.