Jamie Baxter

Associate Dean Graduate Affairs (Social Science)

Jamie Baxter

Contact Information

Office: Room 1407, SSC
Tel: 519 661-2111, 81241
E-mail: jamie.baxter@uwo.ca

Research Areas

Social construction of risk, community responses to technological hazards, renewable energy policy, noxious facility siting, and methodology

Research Interests

I am a social scientist interested in a variety of topics including: environmental risks from hazards, community responses to technological hazards, environmental inequities, environment and health, geography of health, noxious facility siting, and methodology.


GEO 2152 – Geography of Hazards

GEO 3432 – Environmental Hazards and Human Health

GEO 9108 – Qualitative Methods

Supervised Graduate Students and Theses Titles

PhD Students

  • D. Babicki (2023) Understanding Urban Energy Landscapes through a territorialization lens: a comparative case study of energy use in two eco-districts - Parc Marianne, Montpellier and Olympic Village, Vancouver
  • C. Mang Benza (2022) Land, wind, and power in M'Chigeeng First Nation: Perceptions of Indigenous-owned community energy in the Canadian context of low-carbon transition and reconciliation
  • C. Walker (2017) Wind energy policy, development, and justice in Ontario and Nova Scotia, Canada: A comparison of technocratic and community-based siting processes
  • L. Deacon (2010) Environmental Justice in Canada
  • R. Hirsch) (2010) Pesticide Policy Preference
  • D. Stiller (2002) Overcoming benign neglect: The evolution of federal and Montana policies toward abandoned hardrock mines and the environment
    University of Calgary

Masters Students

  • P. Grewal (2022) Place, community ownership and the role of leaseholders within the social dynamics of wind energy projects in two Ontario communities
  • S. Wilson (2021) Community Attitudes and Wind Energy Development Types: A Comparative Study in Ontario and Nova Scotia
  • O. Ladele (joint-supervised) (2020) Understanding the Support for Municipal Green Bin Programs
  • J. Fuller (2019) Social influences on decision making for hybrid-electric and electric vehicle purchases
  • C. Warring (2018) The uphill battle of environmental technologies: Analysis of local discourses on the acceptance and resistance of Green Bin programs
  • S. Da Rosa Holmes (co-supervised) (2017) Beyond the Edge of the Planted Field: Exploring Community-based Environmental Education, and Invisible Losses in Settler and Indigenous Cultural Contexts
  • J. Bayne (2016) The Effects of Municipal Waste Disposal Method on Facility Support and Diversion Attitudes and Behaviours
  • C. Walker (2012) "Winds of Change": Explaining Support for Wind Energy Developments in Ontario, Canada
  • S. Larock) (2009) The Impact of a Land Use dispute on Technological Risk Perception
  • N. Bhoi (2008) Environmental Justice in Five Major Canadian Cities
  • C. Brown (2005) Development of Municipal Pesticide Policies
  • S. van Rheenen (2004) The effectiveness of Brownfield a committee for hazard risk minimization
    University of Calgary
  • K. Greenlaw (2001) Understanding views and opinions of risk: A comparative analysis of Fort Assinibione, Barrhead, and Kinuso Alberta
    University of Calgary
  • D. Lee (1999) Understanding views of risk: A case study of Swan Hills Alberta
    University of Calgary


Refereed Journals

Walker C. & Baxter J. (2019). "Method sequence and dominance in mixed method research: An investigation of the social acceptance of wind energy literature." International Journal of Qualitative Methods.