David Goldblum
Associate Professor
Contact Information
Office: Room 2403, SSCTel: 519 661-2111, 85003
E-mail: david.goldblum@uwo.ca
Research Areas
Biogeography; Natural disturbances and anthropogenic impacts on forest, grassland, and woodland plant communities
Research Interests
I am a biogeographer whose research interests focus on both natural disturbances and anthropogenic impacts on forest, grassland, and woodland plant communities. These disturbances include natural phenomena such as fire, insect outbreaks, windthrow, and treefalls as well as human-induced disturbance such as climate change, exotic species introductions, habitat fragmentation, and alteration of natural disturbance regimes (e.g. fire suppression). Techniques include plant carbon assimilation measurements, tree-ring analysis (dendroecology), forest stand analysis, and multivariate statistics.
GEO 2210 - Introduction to Statistics for Geographers
GEO 2320 - Introductory Biogeography
GEO 3001 - Community-based Methods and Practices
Refereed Journals
Ackerman, F. & Goldblum, D. (2021). 'Lodgepole Pine and Interior Spruce Radial Growth Response to Climate and Topography in the Canadian Rocky Mountains, Alberta.' Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 51: 1-16.
Billah, M. M. & Goldblum, D. (2019). 'Climatic impacts on radial tree growth of Picea glauca and Picea engelmannii across Canada and USA: divergence, decadal oscillations, and climate change.' Physical Geography. 40: 503-520.
Bauer, A., Farrell, R. & Goldblum, D. (2016). 'The geography of forest diversity and community changes under future climate conditions in the eastern United States. Ecoscience.' 23: 41-53.
Goldblum, D. & Prolic, C. (2016). 'The effect of monthly climate conditions on radial growth of Quercus stellata throughout its range.' Southeastern Geographer 56: 171-186.