Jinhyung Lee

Assistant Professor

Jin Lee

Contact Information

Office: Room 2422, SSC
Tel: 519 661-2111, 85025
E-mail: jinhyung.lee@uwo.ca

Research Areas

Transportation, time geography, spatial accessibility, inequalities, geographic data science
Google Scholar Page

Research Interests

I am a quantitative transport geographer. I lead Space-Time Accessibility Research (STAR) Lab at Western. My research leverages geographic information science, big data analytics, spatial statistics, and time geography to study urban transportation.

Specifically, I focus on developing innovative analysis and modelling techniques to enhance our understanding of human mobility and accessibility in time across space. The overarching goal of my research is to provide insights for evidence-based, scientific transport planning and policy to promote sustainability and public health in the context of climate change and social justice within cities.

I am currently seeking MSc and PhD students with interests in environmental exposure-aware transportation analytics, social equity analysis of spatial accessibility, real-time & big public transit data analytics, transport project evaluation, and time geography. If interested, please contact me via email along with your up-to-date CV.


GEO 3225 – Transportation Geography & GIS

GEO 3211 – Spatial Statistics

GEO 3226 – Urban Data Science

GEO 9411 – Geographic Data Science using Python

Supervised Graduate Students and Theses Titles

PhD Students

  • N. Ahmed (joint-supervised) (Current) t.b.d.
  • J. Hutchenreuther (joint-supervised) (Current) t.b.d.

Masters Students

  • S. Ho (Current) Spatio-temporal analyses of public transit pass-ups in a mid-sized Canadian city
  • H. Shaver (Current) t.b.d.
  • W. Yang (Current) t.b.d.
  • N. Frisbee (joint-supervised) (2024) Pathways to Active School Travel: The Influence of Individual, Sociodemographic, and the School Neighborhood Factors
  • R. Javanmard (2024) Towards a More Realistic Evaluation of New Public Transit Services' Impacts on Healthcare Accessibility and Inequality
  • N. Ahmed (joint-supervised) (2024) Transportation and Land Use Planning for Healthy Cities
  • Z. Chang (joint-supervised) (2023) Developing Youth-informed and Quality-aware Spatial Accessibility Measures to Urban Parks Using a Survey-based 2SFCA Method in London, Ontario and Halifax, Nova Scotia
  • J. Hutchenreuther (joint-supervised) (2023) Data-driven approach for measuring neighbourhood value: A study of neighbourhood value polarization in 20 US cities using housing transactions data


Jinhyung Lee, Nicholas Irwin, Elena Irwin & Harvey J. Miller. (2021). “The Role of Distance-Dependent Versus Localized Amenities in Polarizing Urban Spatial Structure: A Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Residential Location Value in Columbus, Ohio, 2000–2015.” Geographical Analysis, 53(2), 283-306

Sohyun Park, Aram Yang, Hui Jeong Ha & Jinhyung Lee. (2021). “Measuring the Differentiated Impact of New Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Projects onHouseholds’ Movements by Income Level within Urban Areas.” Urban Science, 5(4),79

Youngbin Lee, Sohyun Park, Hui Jeong Ha & Jinhyung Lee. (2021). “Discovering Millennials’ Migration Clusters in Seoul, South Korea: A Local Spatial Network Autocorrelation Approach.” Urban Findings, November

Jonathan Stiles, Armita Kar, Jinhyung Lee & Harvey J. Miller. (2021). “Lower Volumes, Higher Speeds: Changes to Crash Type, Timing, and Severity on Urban Roads from COVID-19 Stay-at-Home Policies." Transportation Research Record (TRR), 03611981211044454

Vladyslav Podskalniy, Sharat Chandra Pani, Jinhyung Lee, Liliani Aires Candido Vieira & Hiran Perinpanayagam. (2021). “Neighborhood contexts and oral health outcomes in a pediatric population: An exploratory study.” Children, 8(8), 653

Youngjoon Kim, Jinhyung Lee, Junghwan Kim and Naoto Nakajima. (2021). “The Disparity in Transit Travel Time between Koreans and Japanese in 1930s Colonial Seoul.” Transport Findings, July

Ayaz Hyder, Jinhyung Lee, Ashley Dundon, Lauren Southerland, David All, Gretchen Hammond & Harvey J. Miller. (2021). “Opioid Recovery Deserts: Areas Underserved by Opioid Treatment & Recovery Services.” PLOS ONE, 16(5)

Jinhyung Lee & Harvey J. Miller. (2020). “Robust accessibility: Measuring accessibility based on travelers’ heterogeneous strategies for managing travel time uncertainty." Journal of Transport Geography, 86, 102747

Jinhyung Lee, Adam Porr & Harvey J. Miller. (2020). “Evidence of increased vehicle speeding in Ohio’s major cities during the COVID-19 pandemic.” Transportation Findings, June

Jinhyung Lee & Harvey J. Miller. (2019) “Analyzing collective accessibility using average space-time prisms.” Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 69, 250–264