Jinhyung Lee

Assistant Professor

Jin Lee

Contact Information

Office: Room 2422, SSC
Tel: 519 661-2111, 85025
E-mail: jinhyung.lee@uwo.ca

Research Areas

Transport geography, spatial accessibility, inequalities, urban resilience, GIScience

Google Scholar Page

Research Interests

I am a quantitative transport geographer. My research leverages geographic information science (GIScience), remote sensing, big data analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), and time geography to enhance our understanding of human mobility and urban accessibility across space and time. The goal is to support the development of transportation systems that are environmentally sustainable, socially equitable, and resilient in the face of climate change.

I am currently seeking undergraduate, MSc, and PhD students interested in research on mobility & accessibility analytics that integrates environmental exposure (e.g., extreme heat), real-time & big public transit data analytics, the development of innovative time geographic methods, and the application of generative AI in urban transportation research. If you are interested, please email me with your CV.


GEO 3225 – Transportation Geography & GIS

GEO 3211 – Spatial Data Analysis

GEO 3226 – Urban Data Science

GEO 9411 – Geographic Data Science with Python

Supervised Graduate Students and Theses Titles

PhD Students

  • N. Ahmed (joint-supervised) (Current) t.b.d.
  • J. Hutchenreuther (joint-supervised) (Current) t.b.d.

Masters Students

  • H. Shaver (Current) t.b.d.
  • W. Yang (Current) t.b.d.
  • S. Ho (2024) Identifying clusters of public transit unreliability through an equity lens using GIS: A study of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
  • N. Frisbee (joint-supervised) (2024) Pathways to Active School Travel: The Influence of Individual, Sociodemographic, and the School Neighborhood Factors
  • R. Javanmard (2024) Towards a More Realistic Evaluation of New Public Transit Services' Impacts on Healthcare Accessibility and Inequality
  • N. Ahmed (joint-supervised) (2024) Transportation and Land Use Planning for Healthy Cities
  • Z. Chang (joint-supervised) (2023) Developing Youth-informed and Quality-aware Spatial Accessibility Measures to Urban Parks Using a Survey-based 2SFCA Method in London, Ontario and Halifax, Nova Scotia
  • J. Hutchenreuther (joint-supervised) (2023) Data-driven approach for measuring neighbourhood value: A study of neighbourhood value polarization in 20 US cities using housing transactions data


(**) denotes students/trainees I supervised.

2024    Naser Ahmed**, Jinhyung Lee, Luyu Liu, Junghwan Kim, Kee Moon Jang, Jinfei Wang, "The cost of climate change: A generalized cost function approach for incorporating extreme weather exposure into public transit accessibility", Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 112, 102145     

2024    Luyu Liu, Jinhyung Lee, Harvey J. Miller, "Evaluating accessibility benefits and ridership of bike-transit integration through a social equity lens", Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 112, 102150

2024    Zihan Kan, Dong Liu, Xue Yang, Jinhyung Lee, "Measuring exposure and contribution of different types of activity travels to traffic congestion using GPS trajectory data", Journal of Transport Geography, 117, 103896

2024    Reyhane Javanmard**, Jinhyung Lee, Kyusik Kim, Jinwoo Park, and Ehab Diab, "Evaluating the impacts of supply-demand dynamics and distance decay effects on public transit project assessment: A study of healthcare accessibility and inequalities", Journal of Transport Geography, 116, 103833  

2024    Junghwan Kim, Jinhyung Park, Jinhyung Lee, and Kee Moon Jang, "Examining the socio-spatial patterns of bus shelters with deep learning analysis of street-view images: A case study of 20 cities in the US", Cities, 148, 104852

2024    Dong Liu, Zihan Kan, and Jinhyung Lee, "The proposal of a 15-minute city composite index through integrating GPS trajectory data-inferred urban function attraction based on the Bayesian framework", Applied Geography, 173, 103451.

2024    Junghwan Kim, Jinhyung Lee, Thomas Thornhill, Julia Dennett, Haidong Lu, Benjamin Howell, Lauretta Grau, David A. Fiellin, Robert Heimer, and Gregg Gonsalves, "Accessibility of Opioid Treatment Programs Based on Conventional vs Perceived Travel Time Measures", Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Network Open, 7(2)

2024    Kee Moon Jang, Junda Chen, Yuhao Kang, Junghwan Kim, Jinhyung Lee, Fabio Duarte, and Carlo Ratti, "Place identity: a generative AI’s perspective", Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11(1), 1-16

2024    Hui Jeong Ha, Youngbin Lee, Kyusik Kim, Sohyun Park, and Jinhyung Lee, "Spnaf: An R package for analyzing and mapping the hotspots of flow datasets", Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science

2024    Junghwan Kim, Jinhyung Lee, Kee Moon Jang, and Ismini Lourentzou, "Exploring the limitations in how ChatGPT introduces environmental justice issues in the United States: A case study of 3,108 counties", Telematics and Informatics, 86, 102085

2024    Dong Liu, Jinhyung Lee, Shiran Zhong, and Jason Gilliland, "Echoes of Home: Mapping Vulnerable Places for CantoneseSpeaking Immigrants Seeking Family Doctors in the Greater Toronto Area", Health & Social Care in the Community, 2024(1), 1980874

2023    Jinhyung Lee and Junghwan Kim, "Social equity analysis of public transit accessibility to healthcare might be erroneous when travel time uncertainty impacts are overlooked", Travel Behaviour and Society, 32, 100588

2023    Naser Ahmed**, Jinhyung Lee, Dong Liu, Zihan Kan, and Jinfei Wang, "Identifying urban green space deserts by considering different walking distance thresholds for healthy and socially equitable city planning in the Global South", Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 89, 128123

2023    Junghwan Kim and Jinhyung Lee, "How does ChatGPT introduce transportation problems and solutions in North America?", Transport Findings, March

2023    Jed A. Long, Jinhyung Lee, and Darja Reuschke, "Activity graphs: Spatial graphs as a framework for quantifying individual mobility", Journal of Geographical Systems, 25, 377-402

2023    Ben Klar**, Jinhyung Lee, Jed A. Long, and Ehab Diab, "The impacts of accessibility measure choice on public transit project evaluation: A comparative study of cumulative, gravity-based, and hybrid approaches", Journal of Transport Geography, 106, 103508

2023    Reyhane Javanmard**, Jinhyung Lee, Junghwan Kim, Luyu Liu, and Ehab Diab, "The impacts of the modifiable areal unit problem (MAUP) on social equity analysis of public transit reliability", Journal of Transport Geography, 106, 103500

2023    Jonathan Stiles, Armita Kar, Jinhyung Lee, and Harvey J. Miller, "Lower Volumes, Higher Speeds: Changes to Crash Type, Timing, and Severity on Urban Roads from COVID-19 Stay-at-Home Policies", Transportation Research Record (TRR), 2677(4), 15-27

2023    Chanwoo Jin, Sohyun Park, Hui Jeong Ha, Jinhyung Lee, Junghwan Kim, John Hutchenreuther**, and Atsushi Nara, "Predicting Households' Residential Mobility Trajectories: A Geographically Localized Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanation", International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 37(12), 2597-2619

2023    Jeon-Young Kang, Sandy Wong, Jinwoo Park, Jinhyung Lee, and Jared Aldstadt, "Exploring Spatial Mismatch between Primary Care and Older Populations in an Aging Country: A Case Study of South Korea", ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 12(7), 255

2022    Jinhyung Lee and Harvey J. Miller, "Simple pre-post analysis overestimates the impacts of new public transit services on ridership: Evidence from a quasi-experimental study of new bus rapid transit in Columbus, Ohio, USA", Journal of Public Transportation, 24, 100035

2022    Youngjoon Kim, Junghwan Kim, Hui Jeong Ha, Naoto Nakajima, and Jinhyung Lee, "Job Accessibility as a Lens for Understanding the Urban Structure of Colonial Cities: A Digital Humanities Study of the Colonial Seoul in the 1930s Using GIS", ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 11(12), 614

2022    Hui Jeong Ha, Jinhyung Lee, Junghwan Kim, and Youngjoon Kim, "Uncovering Inequalities in Food Accessibility between Koreans and Japanese in 1930s Colonial Seoul Using GIS and Open-Source Transport Analytics Tools", Sustainability, 14(19), 11852

2022    Suraj Shirodkar Singh**, Reyhane Javanmard**, Jinhyung Lee, Junghwan Kim, and Ehab Diab, "Evaluating the accessibility benefits of the new BRT system during the COVID-19 pandemic in Winnipeg, Canada", Journal of Urban Mobility, 100016

2022    Anna Zajacova, Jinhyung Lee, Hanna Grol-Prokopczyk, "The geography of pain in the United States and Canada", The Journal of Pain, 23(12), 2155-2166

2021    Jinhyung Lee, Nicholas Irwin, Elena Irwin, and Harvey J. Miller, "The Role of DistanceDependent Versus Localized Amenities in Polarizing Urban Spatial Structure: A SpatioTemporal Analysis of Residential Location Value in Columbus, Ohio, 2000–2015", Geographical Analysis, 53(2), 283-306

2021    Sohyun Park, Aram Yang, Hui Jeong Ha, and Jinhyung Lee, "Measuring the Differentiated Impact of New Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Projects on Households’ Movements by Income Level within Urban Areas", Urban Science, 5(4), 79

2021    Youngbin Lee, Sohyun Park, Hui Jeong Ha, and Jinhyung Lee, "Discovering Millennials’ Migration Clusters in Seoul, South Korea: A Local Spatial Network Autocorrelation Approach", Urban Findings, November

2021    Vladyslav Podskalniy**, Sharat Chandra Pani, Jinhyung Lee, Liliani Aires Candido Vieira, Hiran Perinpanayagam, "Neighborhood contexts and oral health outcomes in a pediatric population: An exploratory study", Children, 8(8), 653

2021    Youngjoon Kim, Jinhyung Lee, Junghwan Kim, and Naoto Nakajima, "The Disparity in Transit Travel Time between Koreans and Japanese in 1930s Colonial Seoul", Transport Findings, July

2021    Ayaz Hyder, Jinhyung Lee, Ashley Dundon, Lauren Southerland, David All, Gretchen Hammond, and Harvey J. Miller, "Opioid Recovery Deserts: Areas Underserved by Opioid Treatment & Recovery Services", PLOS ONE, 16(5)

2020    Jinhyung Lee and Harvey J. Miller, "Robust accessibility: Measuring accessibility based on travelers’ heterogeneous strategies for managing travel time uncertainty", Journal of Transport Geography, 86, 102747

2020    Jinhyung Lee, Adam Porr, Harvey J. Miller, "Evidence of increased vehicle speeding in Ohio’s major cities during the COVID-19 pandemic", Transportation Findings, June

2019    Jinhyung Lee and Harvey J. Miller, "Analyzing collective accessibility using average space-time prisms", Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 69, 250–264