Jed Long

Associate Professor

Jed Long

Contact Information

Office: Room 2405, SSC
Tel: 519 661-2111, 87319

Research Areas

GIS/GIScience, GPS tracking, movement, space-time models, spatial ecology, open source software

Research Interests

My research involves using geographic information systems (GIS) and other spatial analysis techniques in the study of movement (e.g., using GPS tracking). Specifically, I am interested in developing and applying novel methods for spatial and space-time analysis. I am also interested in other research areas relating more broadly to GIScience; including spatial modelling, volunteered geographic information (and non-traditional data), and map comparison. Finally, as a huge sports fan, I am fascinated by ways spatial data and analysis can be used in sports analytics.

Geospatial Analysis Lab


GEO 3210 – Geocomputation

GEO 3224 – Spatial Ecology and GIS

GEO 9113 – Geographical Data & Analysis


Supervised Graduate Students and Theses Titles

PhD Students

  • H. Ha (Current) The spatiotemporal analysis of human movement; the study of urban and neighborhood changes
  • M. Malekzadeh (2024) Computational Movement Analysis/ Urban Analysis/ Transportation

Masters Students

  • N. Hrynko (Current) T.B.A.
  • M. Ketchin (Current) T.B.A.
  • L. Stoner (Current) Spatial-temporal distribution and abundance of white-tailed deer at Long Point National Wildlife Area
  • A. Iyer (2022) Using high-resolution geospatial datasets to investigate the role of geomagnetic cues during long-distance bird migration
  • B. Klar (joint-supervised) (2022) Understanding changes to human mobility patterns in Ontario, Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • D. Lui (joint-supervised) (2022) Motor Vehicle Collisions in London, Ontario: Estimating the influence of the built environment and children’s potential exposure
  • R. Kirton (2021) Using spatial methods to analyse anthropogenic predation risk and movement ecology of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus)
  • J. McIlraith (2021) Social Structure And Cohesiveness Of GPS Tracked Wild Pigs In The Southeastern United States


Refereed Journals

Long, J. A., *Klar, B., *Malekzadeh, M. & Martin, G. (2021). 'Do local lockdowns increase movement to non-lockdown regions: Evidence from Ontario, Canada.' Health & Place.

Long, J. A. & *Ren, C. (2021). 'Associations between mobility and socio-economic indicators vary across the timeline of the Covid-19 pandemic.' Computers, Environment and Urban Systems.

*Zein, B., Long, J. A., Saft, K., Kolzsch, A., Wikelski, M., Kruckenberg, H. & Demsar, U. (2021). 'Simulation experiment to test strategies of geomagnetic navigation during long-distance bird migration.' Movement Ecology, 9:46

Long, J. A., Webb, S. L. Harju, S. & Gee, K. L. (2021). 'Analysing contacts from high frequency tracking data using the wildlifeDI R package.' Geographical Analysis.

*Marion, S., Davies, A., Demsar, U., Irvine, R. J., Stephens, P. & Long, J. A. (2021). 'Red deer exhibit spatial and temporal responses to hiking activity.' Wildlife Biology.

*Brum-Bastos, V., Los, M., Long, J. A., Nelson, T.A. & Demsar, U. (2021). 'Context-aware movement analysis in ecology: a systematic review.' International Journal of Geographical Information Science.

*Benitez-Paez, F., *Brum-Bastos, V., Beggan, C. D, Long, J. A. & Demsar, U. (2021). 'Fusion of wildlife tracking and satellite geomagnetic data for the study of animal migration.' Movement Ecology. 9(1): 1-19

*Ren, C., Tang, L., Long, J., Kan, Z. & Yang X. (2021). 'Modelling Place Visit Probability Sequences during Trajectory Data Gaps based on Movement History.' ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 10(7):456

*Sekulic, S., Long, J. & Demsar, U. (2021). 'A spatially-aware method for mapping movement- and place-based regions from spatial flow networks.' Transactions in GIS

*Toledo-Gallegos, V. M., Long, J., Campbell, D., Borger, T. & Hanley, N. (2021). 'Spatial clustering of willingness to pay for ecosystem services.' Journal of Agricultural Economics.

Demsar, U., Long, J. A., *Benitez-Paez, F., *Brum Bastos, V., *Marion, S., Martin, G., *Sekulic, S., Smolak, K., *Zein, B. & Sika-Nowicka, K. (2021). 'Establishing the integrated science of movement: bringing together concepts and methods from animal and human movement analysis.' International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 35(7): 1273-1308

*Ren, C., Tang, L., Yang, X. & Long, J. (2021). 'Mapping Grade-Separated Junctions in Detail Using Crowdsourced Trajectory Data.' IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2021.3054910

Chapters in Books

Long, J. A., Feng, Z. & Marshall, A. (2020). 'Probability Models.' Encyclopedia of Human Geography A. Kobayashi, A. Trivedi eds., Elsevier.

Long, J. A. (2017). 'Modeling Accessibility.' UCGIS GIS&T Body of Knowledge J. Wilson, L. Bian & J. Kerski eds.