Chantelle Richmond

Canada Research Chair
Joint Appointed with Indigenous Studies
Co-chair, Indigenous Faculty Advisory Council

Chantelle Richmond

Contact Information

Office: Room 2433, SSC
Tel: 519 661-2111, 85324

Research Areas

Indigenous health, Indigenous health and the environment, Environmental repossession, Structural determinants of health, Indigenous knowledge, Relational accountability, Indigenous methodologies, Community-based research,  Indigenous mentorship, Indigenization

Research Interests

Chantelle Richmond (Biigtigong Anishinabe) is a Professor in the Department of Geography and the Indigenous Studies Program at Western University in London, Ontario (Canada), where she holds the Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Health and the Environment. Chantelle is a health geographer by training and her research is based on a community-centred model of research that explores the intersection of Indigenous people’s health and knowledge systems within the context of global environmental change. Along with colleagues and community partners in Canada, Hawaii and Aotearoa, Chantelle’s current research examines concepts and applied processes of environmental repossession.

Indigenous Health Lab

Indigenous Mentorship Network Program

Documentary Films

Richmond, C and May, S. 2018 Supporting Indigenous Student Transitions to Health Research and Professions. 11m38s:

Richmond, C and May S. 2017 What do I wish my Professor Knew about me? 4m13s.

Richmond, C.A.M. and Fortier, J.M. 2013 Gifts from the Elders 60 minutes Copyright: University of Western Ontario, London. [Companion website:] [TRAILER]


GEO 2411/FNS 2601 – Indigenous Environments

GEO 4900-4901 – Undergraduate Thesis (Coordinator)

GEO 9108 – Qualitative Methods

GEO 9116 – Indigenous Health

Supervised Graduate Students and Theses Titles

PhD Students

  • V. Ambtman Smith (Current) Indigenous traditional healing spaces within hospital contexts: Examining relationships to health, healing and reconciliation
  • E. Beacock (Current) Southern Inuit determinants of health as defined by communities
  • V. Bomberry (Current) T.B.D.
  • A. Khanani (Current) (joint-supervised) Health geography, place-making, decolonizing approaches, therapeutic landscapes, material culture
  • K. Wysocki (Current) (joint-supervised) T.B.D.
  • E. Nightingale (2023) Land-based learning in the Indigenous Context
  • E. Huner (joint-supervised) (2021) Participatory Knowledge of Motion: Ezhianishinaabebimaadiziyaang mii sa ezhianishinaabeaadisokeyaang. The way in which we live, that is the way we write stories.
  • C. Graeme (2017) "Rekindling the Flame: An Exploration of the Relationship between Health, Place and Identity among young First Nations men in London, Ontario"
  • J. Tobias (joint-supervised) (2015) "We are the Land": Researching Environmental Repossession with Anishinabe Elders"
  • J. George (joint-supervised) (2012) Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and the Social Determinants of Aboriginal People's Health: A Case Study of First Nation's Women's Resilience, Resistance and Renewal

Masters Students

  • R. Rausch (Current) Health Geography, Indigenous Geographies, Community-based Research
  • C. Lewis (2024) Exploring the Meanings and Impacts of a Traditional Foods Program with Urban Indigenous Women in London, Ontario, Canada
  • V. Reitmeier (2023) Indigenous digital health geographies
  • V. Bomberry (2022) Examining student housing options at Canadian universities in relation to the needs of Indigenous learners
  • L. Peach (joint-supervised) (2018) Indigenous Food Resources
  • V. Ambtman Smith (2018) Upgraded from Masters Program to PhD Program
  • K. Mikraszewicz (2018) Paddling the Biigtig: A case study of Environmental Repossession through canoeing
  • K. English (joint-supervised) (2014) Through the Eyes of Children: First Nations Children's Perceptions of Health
  • K. Kulmann (2012) "We Should be Listening to our Elders": Evaluation of Transfer of Indigenous Knowledge between Anishinabe Youth and Elders
  • K. Big-Canoe (2011) Indigenous Knowledge, Social Relationships and Health: Community-Based Participatory Research with Anishinabe Youth at Pic River First Nation
  • S. Finkelstein (joint-supervised) (2010) Exploring Formal Dementia Care in the Aboriginal Community from South-western Ontario: A Grounded Theory Study
  • J. Tobias (joint-supervised) (2010) Embodied political ecologies of health: Examining the relationship between alcohol misuse and hepatitis in the Upper West Region of Ghana


Refereed Journals

Richmond, C. and Nightingale, E. (2021). Special Section Introduction: The Geographies of Health and Wellness. The Canadian Geographer, 65(1): 4-7.

Richmond, C. Bezner Kerr, R., Neufeld, H, Steckley, M., Wilson, K. and Dokis, B. (2021). Supporting Food Security for Indigenous Families through the Restoration of Indigenous Foodways. The Canadian Geographer, 65(1): 97-109.

Nightingale, E. & Richmond, C. (2021). Reclaiming Mountain Lake: Applying environmental repossession in Biigtigong Nishnaabeg territory, Canada. Social Science & Medicine, 272, 113706.

Ambtman-Smith, V. & Richmond, C. (2020). Reimagining Indigenous Spaces of Healing: Institutional Environmental Repossession. Turtle Island Journal of Indigenous health, 1(1): 27-36.

Richmond, C., Neufeld, H, Steckley, M., Wilson, K., Kerr, R. B., Wilson, K. & Dokis, B. (2020). First Nations food environments: Exploring the role of place, income, and social connection. Current Developments in Nutrition, 4(8), nzaa108.

Peach, L., Richmond, C. A., & Brunette-Debassige, C. (2020). “You can’t just take a piece of land from the university and build a garden on it”: Exploring Indigenizing space and place in a settler Canadian university context. Geoforum, 114, 117-127.

Neufeld, H. & Richmond, C. (2020) Exploring First Nations Women’s Relationships with Food from Social, Ecological and Historical Perspectives. Current Developments in Nutrition. Feb 5;4(3):nzaa011. doi: 10.1093/cdn/nzaa011.

Mikraszewicz, K. & Richmond, C. (2019). Paddling the Biigtig: Mino biimadisiwin practiced through canoeing. Social Science & Medicine, 240, 112548.

Chapters in Books

Richmond C. Pualani-Louis, R. & Coombes, B. (2022). Because this Land is who we are: Indigenous practices of Environmental repossession. Zed Books. London.

Richmond, C. Pualani-Louis, R. & Coombes, B. (2022). Making space for Indigenous intelligence, sovereignty and relevance in geographic research. Handbook of Methodologies in Human Geography, by Rosenberg, M.W, Lovell, S., and Coen, S.E. Routledge.

Richmond, C. Pualani-Louis, R. & Coombes, B. (forthcoming). Making space for Indigenous intelligence, sovereignty and relevance in geographic research. Handbook of Methodologies in Human Geography, by Rosenberg, M.W, Lovell, S., and Coen, S.E. Routledge.

Richmond, C. Castleden, H. and Gabel, C. (2021). Practicing Self-Determination to Protect Indigenous Health in COVID-19: Lessons for This Pandemic and Similar Futures. COVID-19 and Similar Futures, pp 307-312. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-70179-6_40.

Richmond, C. (2020). A pathway to “becoming”: Stories about indigenization from one Indigenous scholar. Critical Reflections and Politics on Advancing Women in the Academy. Edited by T. Moeke-Pickering et al. IGI Global

Richmond, C. & Wilson K. (2020) Indigenous Health. International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, 2e. Oxford: Elsevier Limited.

Richmond, C.A.M. & Big-Canoe, K. (2018) Geographies of Indigenous health. Routledge Handbook of Health Geography, pp 179-188. Routledge, New York.

Williams, J. & Richmond C.A.M.  (2018). Cross Cultural Issues in Health Psychology in, Hadjistavropoulos, T. & Hadjistavropoulos, H. (Editors). Fundamentals of Health Psychology, Second Edition.  Don Mills: Oxford University Press.

Rudman, D.R., Richmond, C.A.M., Orchard, T. & Isaac, A. (2017).  Educational Vision Quests of Canadian First Nation Youth: A Photovoice Exploration.  In Bruggen, H. v., Kantartzis, S. Pollard N (eds) (2016-7 in progress) 'And a seed was planted...' Occupation based approaches for social inclusion, London, Whiting and Birch.

Richmond, C.A.M (2017). 'Indigenous Health.' In D.Richardson, The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology. (Wiley-Blackwell).

Richmond, C.A.M. (2016). Applied decolonizing methodologies: A community based film project with Anishinabe communities. (14pp). In Fenton, NE and Baxter, J. Practicing Qualitative Methods in Health Geographies. Routledge.


Desmoulin, S. & Richmond, C. (2021). An Indigenous Evaluation of the Nokomis Kidwaa (Gandmas and Aunites Program). Prepared for Nogdawindamin Family and Community Services (Batchewana First Nation).

Richmond, C., Ambtman-Smith, V., Bourassa, C., Cassidy-Mathews, C., Duhamel, K., Keewatin, M., King, A., King, M., Mushquash, C., Oakes, N., Redsky, D., Richardson, L., Rowe, R., Snook, J. & Walker, J. (2020) COVID-19 and Indigenous Health and Wellness: Our Strength is in our Stories. Royal Society of Canada. Available:

Mergler, D., Bellinger, D., Hightower, J., Lanphear, B., Lippel, K.,  Racette, B., and Richmond, C. (2020). Mercury Disability Board Reform. A Report written for the parties of Asubpeeschoseewagong Netum Anishinabek (also known as Grassy Narrows), the Wabaseemoong Independent Nations (formerly known as Islington Band or Whitedog First Nation), Canada and Ontario. Confidential Report.

Brunette, C. and Richmond, C.A.M. (2018). Guide for Working with Indigenous Students. Western University.