PhD Student Directory

Vanessa Ambtman-Smith

Vanessa Ambtman-Smith

Research Interests / Specializations: Indigenous traditional healing spaces within hospital contexts: Examining relationships to health, healing and reconciliation (Richmond)
Daniel Amoak

Daniel Amoak

Research Interests / Specializations: Seed Security for Enhancing Food Security, Climate Change Resilience and Mental Health in Malawi (Luginaah)
Akosua Asare

Akosua Asare

Research Interests / Specializations: (Arku)
Zhamak (Minoo) Assari

Zhamak (Minoo) Assari

Research Interests / Specializations: Human-nature relationship- urban design- human behavior in urban areas- cycling behavior and its correlation with built and natural environment- Landscape design- Green infrastructure (Hunsberger)
Elmond Bandauko

Elmond Bandauko

Research Interests / Specializations: Right to the city? Urban governance and the spatial politics of street traders in Harare, Zimbabwe (Arku)
Evans Batung

Evans Batung

Research Interests / Specializations: Understanding the Challenges and Resilience among Visible Minority Essential Workers in Ontario, Canada (Luginaah/ Arku)
Emily Beacock

Emily Beacock

Research Interests / Specializations: Southern Inuit determinants of health as defined by communities (Lewis/ Richmond)
Richard (Richie) Bloomfield

Richard (Richie) Bloomfield

Research Interests / Specializations: Political economy of agro-food systems. Examining current farmland policy, ownership dynamics, and alternative land-use models to support next or first-generation farmers in Ontario (Weis)
E. Victoria Bomberry

E. Victoria Bomberry

Research Interests / Specializations: (Richmond)
Olivia Caruso

Olivia Caruso

Research Interests / Specializations: Health Geography, Food Access and Urban Food Environments, and Youth Healing and Wellbeing (Gilliland)
Nafiseh Ghasemian Sorboni

Nafiseh Ghasemian Sorboni

Research Interests / Specializations: Target detection/ Change detection/ Data fusion (Wang/ Najafi)
Joshua Grignon

Joshua Grignon

Research Interests / Specializations: Healthy Cities, Urban Planning, Public Health, Recreation and Leisure, Knowledge Translation and Mobilization, Technical Writing (Gilliland)
Hui (Hailyee) Ha

Hui (Hailyee) Ha

Research Interests / Specializations: The spatiotemporal analysis of human movement; the study of urban and neighborhood changes (Long)
SSC 2424

Huiyan He

Huiyan He

Research Interests / Specializations: Digital geographies, platforms and digitally-mediated ruralities in China (Leszczynski)
John Hutchenreuther

John Hutchenreuther

Research Interests / Specializations: (Arku/ Lee)
Oluwaseyi Ishola

Oluwaseyi Ishola

Research Interests / Specializations: Gender, environment and food insecurity in Northern Nigeria (Luginaah)
Lindi Jahiu

Lindi Jahiu

Research Interests / Specializations: (Leszczynski)
Mohan Joshi

Mohan Joshi

Research Interests / Specializations: Advancing ecosystem models for enhancing forest management practices (MacBean)
Asma Khanani

Asma Khanani

Research Interests / Specializations: Health geography, place-making, decolonizing approaches, therapeutic landscapes, material culture (Richmond/ Baruah)

Senanu Kutor

Senanu Kutor

Research Interests / Specializations: Migration, subjective wellbeing, and empowerment: A comparative study between internal and international Ghanaian women left behind (Arku)
Shawna Lewkowitz

Shawna Lewkowitz

Research Interests / Specializations: Gender, urban studies, participatory research and community based learning (Gilliland)
Milad Malekzadeh

Milad Malekzadeh

Research Interests / Specializations: Computational Movement Analysis/ Urban Analysis/ Transportation (Long)
Lara  Middleton

Lara Middleton

Research Interests / Specializations: Braided river dynamics (Ashmore)
Kamaldeen Mohammed

Kamaldeen Mohammed

Research Interests / Specializations: Participatory community mapping of forest ecosystem services, carbon stock and food security in Africa (Luginaah/ Wang)
Alexander Morgenthaler

Alexander Morgenthaler

Research Interests / Specializations: Urban Studies, Urban Geography (Gilliland)
Ebenezer Narh

Ebenezer Narh

Research Interests / Specializations: Higher education student migration in Canada (Buzzelli)
SSC 2417

Kevin Ng

Kevin Ng

Research Interests / Specializations: Lake ecosystem response to climate change and nutrient enrichment (Moser)
Desmond Oklikah

Desmond Oklikah

Research Interests / Specializations: The (un)changing housing experiences and dynamics of (Live-in) Caregivers in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), Canada. (Arku/ Abada)
Reforce Okwei

Reforce Okwei

Research Interests / Specializations: Impact of climate change on vulnerable slum communities (Arku)
Heather Peacock

Heather Peacock

Research Interests / Specializations: A global GIS analysis of primate diversity and biogeography: Assessing trends in habitat loss and extinction risk to inform primate conservation biology (Weis/ Colqhoun)
Cornelius Pienaah

Cornelius Pienaah

Research Interests / Specializations: Nature-Based Solutions for Improving Women's Livelihood and Climate Change Resilience in semi-arid Northern Ghana. (Luginaah)
Catherine Reining

Catherine Reining

Research Interests / Specializations: Applied conservation research in protected and conserved areas for health and well-being, examining barriers and enablers to access (Gilliland)
Mohammad Rokhafrouz

Mohammad Rokhafrouz

Research Interests / Specializations: (Wang)
Sulemana Saaka

Sulemana Saaka

Research Interests / Specializations: Evaluating culturally appropriate, cost-effective and sustainable models of stigma reduction programs for racialized and newcomer communities living with and affected by HIV in London, Ontario (Luginaah)
Bo Shan

Bo Shan

Research Interests / Specializations: Understanding spatial variations in soil and crops using Precision Agriculture (Wang)
Martin Sinel

Martin Sinel

Research Interests / Specializations: (Weis)
Manuel Spiller

Manuel Spiller

Research Interests / Specializations: Political Ecology. Assessing Nature Conservation practices and governance through a Social Science lens for policy, planning, and outreach (Tchoukaleyska)
Zakara Stampp

Zakara Stampp

Research Interests / Specializations: Identifying and addressing the needs of Black youth in Southwestern Ontario; ensuring their needs are met and developing targeted interventions to ensure they are uplifted and supported by their community (Luginaah)
Jesse Sutton

Jesse Sutton

Research Interests / Specializations: Economic resilience of regions to shocks in an increasingly globalized world (Arku)
Alexander (AJ) Wray

Alexander (AJ) Wray

Research Interests / Specializations: Investigating the wellbeing impacts of parks and recreational experiences in Canada (Gilliland)
Koral Wysocki

Koral Wysocki

Research Interests / Specializations: (Richmond)
Xin Zhou

Xin Zhou

Research Interests / Specializations: Application of radar information extraction in agriculture (Wang)