PhD in Geography and Environment (Migration and Ethnic Relations)

The PhD in Geography and Environment (Migration and Ethnic Relations) is an interdisciplinary degree offered within Geography and Environment in collaboration with the Migration and Ethnic Relations (MER) Program. The degree consists of all mandatory program components in Geography and Environment, including a thesis, along with the mandatory program components required by Migration and Ethnic Relations. The combination of solid disciplinary training with advanced interdisciplinary training provides students with the tools necessary to better understand and conduct research in the area of Migration and Ethnic Relations. Upon graduation, students receive a Doctoral degree in Geography and Environment, with a specialization in Migration and Ethnic Relations.


PhD students are supervised through a Thesis Advisory Committee of at least three, consisting of the Supervisor and two other faculty members knowledgeable in the area of research. The thesis supervisor must be listed as a member of the Migration and Ethnic Relations list of Faculty Advisors. The Supervisor is responsible for overseeing the student's academic program, especially the thesis research and thesis preparation.

Examination of Thesis for PhD - University Examiner

The Thesis Examination Committee must have a University Examiner (i.e., not from Geography and Environment) who is from the Migration and Ethnic Relations list of Faculty Advisors.

Funding for PhD students

Geography and Environment students enrolled in Migration and Ethnic Relations receive no change in funding from Geography and Environment once they identify the addition of the Migration and Ethnic Relations specialization to their degree. However they may be eligible for additional funding that is specific to Migration and Ethnic Relations.

Please see the Future Students section of our website for the application process and admission requirements, as well as the Graduate Student Handbook for detailed regulations and procedures.


Please contact the Graduate Administrator with any questions regarding the graduate program.
Phone: 519-661-2111, Ext. 85033;