Isaac Luginaah

Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada
Fellow of the African Academy of Sciences
Co-Director of the Western Centre for Climate Change, Sustainable Livelihoods and Health (WeCLISH)

Isaac Luginaah

Contact Information

Office: Room 1409, SSC
Tel: 519 661-2111, 86944
Personal Website

Research Areas

Geography of Health and Health Care; Environment and Health; Advanced Studies in Environment, Development & Health

Research Interests

My broad area of research interest includes environment and health, population health and GIS applications in health. My work involves an integrative understanding of the broad determinants of the population health and the evidence of environment and health linkages. I am specifically interested in the human health impacts of environmental exposure and recent work in this area involves examining the links between ambient air quality and health in Southwestern Ontario. I am also involved in HIV/AIDS research in Africa, specifically Kenya, Ghana and Nigeria.


GEO 2430 – Public Health and Environment

GEO 3431 – Geography of Health and Health Care

GEO 9107 – Environment and Health

Supervised Graduate Students and Theses Titles

PhD Students

  • D. Amoak (Current) Seed Security for Enhancing Food Security, Climate Change Resilience and Mental Health in Malawi 
  • E. Batung (joint-supervised) (Current) Understanding the Challenges and Resilience among Visible Minority Essential Workers in Ontario, Canada
  • O. Ishola (Current) Gender, environment and food insecurity in Northern Nigeria
  • K. Mohammed (joint-supervised) (Current) Participatory community mapping of forest ecosystem services, carbon stock and food security in Africa
  • C. Pienaah (Current) Nature-Based Solutions for Improving Women's Livelihood and Climate Change Resilience in semi-arid Northern Ghana
  • S. Saaka (Current) Evaluating culturally appropriate, cost-effective and sustainable models of stigma reduction programs for racialized and newcomer communities living with and affected by HIV in London, Ontario
  • Z. Stampp (Current) Identifying and addressing the needs of Black youth in Southwestern Ontario; ensuring their needs are met and developing targeted interventions to ensure they are uplifted and supported by their community
  • E. Huner (joint-supervised) (2021) Participatory Knowledge of Motion: Ezhianishinaabebimaadiziyaang mii sa ezhianishinaabeaadisokeyaang. The way in which we live, that is the way we write stories
  • D. Kpienbaareh (joint-supervised) (2021) Agroecology, Ecosystem Services and Crop Health and Productivity: A Participatory Geospatial Analysis in Northern Malawi
  • R. Ragetlie (2021) Food Insecurity in the Agrarian Household: An Analysis of Gendered Identity, Conjugal Dynamics, and Coping in Northwestern Benin
  • R. Antabe (joint-supervised) (2020) HIV Vulnerability and Resilience among Heterosexual African, Caribbean and Black (ACB) men in London, Ontario, Canada
  • M. Kansanga (2020) The impact of participatory agroecology on food security, nutrition and gender equality in Malawi
  • K. Atuoye (2019) Large-scale Land Acquisitions in Tanzania: Qualifying the Food Security and Human Health Impacts
  • S. Vercillo (joint-supervised) (2018) The Differentiation of Smallholer Farming and Household Food Responsibilities in Northern Ghana
  • S. Mason (2017) Emerging Views of the Rural Landscape in Ontario: A Case Study of the Siting of a Regional Biosolid Processing Facility in Southgate Township
  • L. Osei (joint-supervised) (2017) Poverty, Unemployment, and Youth Empowerment in Africa Mining Communities: The Case of Ghana
  • E. Andoniou (2016) Probiotic Yoghourt for Health, Nutrition and Women's Empowerment in Kenya: A Community-based Approach
  • M. Ung (2016) Assessing Climate Change Adaptation and Health in Coastal Cambodia
  • F. Armah (2015) Environment and human health risk assessment in Tanzania
  • V. Kuuire (joint-supervised) (2015) Impacts of Transnational Activities on Immigrant Integration: A look at Transnational Activities and Housing Consumption Patterns in Canada
  • J. Tobias (joint-supervised) (2015) "We are the Land": Researching Environmental Repossession with Anishinaabe Elders
  • T. Oiamo (joint-supervised) (2014) Environment and Health Impacts in the Vicinity of Major Traffic Pollution: A Comparison of Relocates and Non-Relocates
  • J. Dixon (2014) The Impact of Ghana National Health Insurance Scheme in the Upper West Region: Helping the Poor or Leaving them Behind
  • P. Mkandawire (2011) Vulnerability of Adolescent Orphans in HIV Infection in Malawi
  • O. Atari (2009) Community Health Study in Sarnia, Chemical Valley, Ontario

Masters Students

  • S. Jones (joint-supervised) (Current) Indigenous health and cultural safety within clinical settings, specifically cancer care facilities in a Canadian context
  • D. Kosmack (Current) The legalization of non-medical cannabis: A story told by Ontario print media
  • M. Molle (Current) 
  • H. Yengnone (Current) T.B.D.
  • S. Dhillon (2024) Understanding the perspectives of non-governmental organization staff and volunteers when providing care to older adults during the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • S. Bradshaw (2023) T.B.D.
  • Q. Talbot (2023) Understanding the Challenges and Resilience among Visible Minority Essential Workers
  • E. Batung (2021) Climate Change Vulnerability and Perceived Resilience Among Smallholder Farmers in the Upper West Region of Ghana
  • K. Mohammed (2021) Impacts Of Climate Change On Food Security And Smallholder Livelihoods In Northern Ghana
  • G. Bruser (2020) The Geospatial Patterns of Adherence to HIV Antiretroviral Therapy in Kampala, Uganda
  • B. Ziegler (2020) Timing and utilization of antenatal care in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Burundi
  • B. Bigirimana (2019) Community health, Maternal health and Mental health
  • I. Konkor (2019) Housing and urbanization
  • F. Anfaara (2018) Health Perceptions of Hepatitis B virus (HBV) Transmission in Upper West Region of Ghana
  • J. Tjhin (2018) Space-Time Analysis of Breast Cancer in Middlesex County Between 2003 and 2013
  • J. Were (joint-supervised) (2018) Adolescent Health
  • J. Baada (2017) A gendered perspective on the lived experiences of migrant women farmers in the Brong-Ahafo region of Ghana
  • J. Braimah (2017) CHPS and Maternal Health in U/WR
  • C. Thayer (2017) Exploring women's perceptions and experiences of 'home' as a place of birth in London, Ontario
  • R. Antabe (joint-supervised) (2016) Environment and Health Perceptions in the Vicinity of Surface Mining Concessions in the Upper West Region of Ghana
  • H. Woods (2016) The Contribution of Community-based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) to Community Sustainability and Health in the Upper West Region of Ghana
  • K. Atuoye (2015) Relationship between Household Food Insecurity and Health in the Upper West Region of Ghana
  • E. Eyles (2015) An economic and locational analysis of probiotic yogurt kitchens in Mwanza, Tanzania
  • J. Kangmennaang (2015) Impact of Agroecology Adoption, Migration and Remittance Receipt on Household Welfare
  • G. Tuyisenge (2015) Mothers' Perceptions and Experiences of Accessing Maternal Health Care : Exploring the Role of Community Health Workers and Continuing Professional Development in Rwanda
  • F. Mambulu (joint-supervised) (2014) Agricultural Interventions as a Means to Food Security: Experiences of HIV/AIDS affected Household
  • A. Rishworth (2014) Women's navigation of reproductive care in the context of Ghana's National Health)
  • S. Mason (2013) Upgrade from Master's Program to PhD Program
  • E. Chilanga (joint-supervised) (2013) Assessing the Impact of Nutrition Education on Gender Roles and Child Care in Northern Malawi
  • V. Kuuire (joint-supervised) (2011) Food Security Situation of Migrant Farmers in the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana
  • T. Oiamo (2011) Upgrade from Master's Program to PhD Program
  • J. Tobias (joint-supervised) (2010) Embodied political ecologies of health: Examining the relationship between alcohol misuse and hepatitis in the Upper West Region of Ghana
  • R. Wasley (2009) HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Ukraine: Examining the Attitudes and Perceptions of State Orphans in Internaty
  • J. Howson (2009) Socioeconomic determinants of health and diabetes mellitus: Understanding relationships at the neighbourhood level in London, Canada
  • M. Whaling (2008) Assessing community perceptions of the likely impact of a probiotic yogurt project on community relations and health in Mahina District, Mwanza Tanzania
  • B. Curry (2008)Geographies of Infant Feeding Decisions
  • E. Andoniou (2007)Predictors of sexual behaviour change among men in the context of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Nigeria
  • A. Khurshid (2007) Perceived health effects of a Chemical Valley: a perusal of Sarnia, Ontario
  • K. Smith (2006) Contaminated Therapeutic Landscape: Perceptions of the Aamjiwnaang First Nations
  • T. Landry (2004) Community strategies for HIV/AIDS care and support in Nyanza, Kenya (University of Windsor
  • C. Wills (2003)Association of ambient air pollution levels with respiratory hospitalization in Windsor, Ontario University of Windsor
  • Y. Li (2002) Association between variations in newborn length of stay and readmission rate in the 49 counties of Ontario University of Windsor


Refereed Journals

Kansanga, M. M*., Kangmennaang, J*., Kerr, R. B., Lupafya, E., Dakishoni, L., & Luginaah, I. Can gender transformative agroecological interventions improve women’s autonomy? Agriculture and Human Values, Forthcoming

Amoak, D*., Lupafya, E., Dakishoni, L., & Luginaah, I. (2024). Towards Food Sovereignty: The role of Smallholder Farmers’ Seed Security in improving Climate Change Resilience in Northern Malawi. Geographical Review

Pienaah, C. K. A*., Baruah, B., & Luginaah, I. (2024). Women's perspectives on addressing the decline of Shea trees in Northern Ghana. GeoJournal, 89, 9

Gyamfi, S., Forchuk, C., Booth, R., & Luginaah, I. (2024). Enablers of Mental Illness Stigma: A Scoping Review of Individual Perceptions. Mental Illness, 2024

Rudziak, P*., Batung, E*., & Luginaah, I. (2024). The effects of gases from food waste on human health: A systematic review. PLoS ONE, 19(3), e0300801

Osei-Owusu, C*., Dhillon, S*., & Luginaah, I. (2024). The impact of food insecurity on mental health among older adults residing in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review. PLoS ONE, 19(3), e0301046

Kansanga, M. M*., Batung, E*., Mohammed, K*., Sano, Y., Taabazuing, M. M., & Luginaah, I. (2023). Beyond Purchasing Power: The Association Between Sense of Community Belongingness and Food Insecurity Among Older Adults in Canada. Journal of Aging & Social Policy, 36(2), 189-208

Siiba, A., Kangmennaang, J., Baatiema, L., & Luginaah, I. (2024). The relationship between climate change, globalization and non-communicable diseases in Africa: A systematic review. PloS one, 19(2), e0297393

Saaka, S. A*., Mohammed, K*., Pienaah, C*., & Luginaah, I. (2024). Child malaria vaccine uptake in Ghana: Factors influencing parents’ willingness to allow vaccination of their children under five (5) years. Plos one, 19(1), e0296934

Mohammed, K*., Batung, E*., Kansanga, M. M., & Luginaah, I. (2024). Alcohol misuse as a social determinant of food insecurity among smallholder farmers. Social Science & Medicine, 340, 116489

Dinko, D. H., Kansanga, M., Nyantakyi-Frimpong, H., & Luginaah, I. (2024). Unpacking the dynamics of natural resource conflicts: The case of African rosewood. Land Use Policy, 136, 106962

Bruser, G*., Luginaah, I., Katasi, R., Zhang, L. Z., Namasinga, M., Kityo, C., & Arts, E. (2024). ‘… So that’s why we hide, we don’t want them to know’—challenges to antiretroviral therapy adherence in Kampala, Uganda. African Geographical Review, 43(1), 18-31

Baada, J. N., Baruah, B., & Luginaah, I. (2023). Limit(ation)s, sustainability, and the future of climate migration. Dialogues in Human Geography,

Kofinti, R. E., Annim, S. K., & Luginaah, I. (2023). National Health Insurance Scheme and household welfare: Evidence from Ghana. Journal of International Development. 35:2269–2298

Mohammed, K*., Abubakari, A. R., Amoak, D*., Antabe, R*., & Luginaah, I. (2023). Geographic disparities in the time to under-five mortality in Ghana. PLOS one, 18(9), e0291328.283

Kansanga, M. M*., Mohammed, K*., Batung, E*., Sulemana, S. A*., & Luginaah, I. (2023). Lost harvest: examining the association between postharvest food loss and food insecurity in semi-arid Ghana. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 30(7), 776-791

Etowa, E., Fung, K., Miller, D., Husbands, W., Luginaah, I., Omorodion, F., ... & Wong, J. (2023). Addressing HIV vulnerability and promoting resilience among heterosexual Black men and communities in Ontario, Canada: A concept-mapping approach. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 32(3), 298-312

Kpienbaareh, D*., Luginaah, I., Wang, J., Bezner Kerr, R., Lupafya, E., & Dakishoni, A. (2023). Geospatial approach to assessing the impact of agroecological knowledge and practice on crop health in a smallholder agricultural context. The Professional Geographer, 75(4), 618635

Pienaah, C. K*., Batung, E*., Saaka, S. A*., Mohammed, K*., & Luginaah, I. (2023). Early warnings and perceived climate change preparedness among smallholder farmers in the Upper West Region of Ghana. Land, 12(10), 1944

Sharma, I., Campbell, M. K., Heisel, M. J., Choi, Y. H., Luginaah, I. N., Were, J. M., Gonzalez, J.C.V., & Stranges, S. (2023). Construction and validation of the area level deprivation index for health research: A methodological study based on Nepal Demographic and Health Survey. Plos one, 18(11), e0293515

Amoak, D., Osei-Kye, N., Anfaara, F. W., Sano, Y., Antabe, R., & Luginaah, I. (2023). Understanding the uptake of HIV testing among women in Liberia: the role of female genital mutilation/cutting. African Journal of AIDS Research, 22(3), 226-236

Luginaah, N. A., Batung, E. S*., Ziegler, B. R*., Amoak, D*., Trudell, J. P., Arku, G., & Luginaah, I. (2023). The Parallel Pandemic: A Systematic Review on the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on OCD among Children and Adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(23), 7095

Dhillon, S*., Amoak, D*., Sano, Y., Antabe, R*., & Luginaah, I. (2023). The association between mother‐to‐child HIV transmission knowledge and antenatal care utilisation in Cameroon. The International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 38(6), 1877-1888

Dhillon, S*., Amoak, D*., Chidimbah Munthali, G. N., Sano, Y., Antabe, R*., & Luginaah, I. (2023). Polygamy and safe sex negotiation among married women: evidence from Cameroon. BMC Infectious Diseases, 23(1), 817

Amoak, D*., Ishola, T.O*., Mohammed, K*., Batung, E*., & Luginaah, I. (2023). Does climate change information source matter in smallholder farmer climate resilience? Comparative insights from Malawi and Ghana. Environmental Development, 49, 100931

Ragetlie, R*. & Luginaah, I. Masculinities in context: how food insecurity shapes conjugal dynamics in northwestern Benin. Canadian Journal of African Studies, 57(2), 349-368

Sharma, I., Karen Campbell, M., Choi, Y. H., Luginaah, I., Were, J. M., Vargas-Gonzalea, J. C., & Stranges, S. (2023). Does the place of residence influence your risk of being hypertensive? A study-based on Nepal Demographic and Health Survey. Hypertension Research, 46(6), 1363-1374

Amoak, D*., Bruser, G*., Antabe, R*., Sano, Y., & Luignaah, I. (2023). Unequal access to improved water and sanitation in a post-conflict context of Liberia: Evidence from the Demographic and Health Survey. PLOS Water, 2(4), e0000050

Mohammed, K*., Batung, E*., Sulemana, S*., Kansanga, M., & Luginaah, I. (2023) Determinants of mechanized technology adoption in smallholder agriculture: Implications for agricultural policy. Land Use Policy, 129: 106666

Amoak, D*., Dhillon, S.*, Antabe, Y*., Sano, y., & Luginaah, I. (2023). Factors Associated with Deworming Medication Utilization among Pregnant Women in Benin: Evidence from the Demographic and Health Survey. Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease, 8(3): 166

Bagambe, P. G*., Nyirazinyoye, L., Cechetto, D. F., & Luginaah, I. (2023). Perceptions of male partners on maternal near-miss events experienced by their female partners in Rwanda. PLOS one, 18(6), e0286702

Antabe, R*., McIntosh, M., Lawson, E., Husbands, W., Wong, J. P. H., Arku, G., & Luginaah, I. (2023). Black heterosexual men’s resilience in times of HIV adversity: findings from the “weSpeak” study. BMC Public Health, 23(1), 1-14

Etowa, E. B., Wong, J. P. H., Omorodion, F., Etowa, J., & Luginaah, I. (2023, March). Addressing HIV Misconceptions among Heterosexual Black Men and Communities in Ontario. In Healthcare, 11(7), 997

Stranges, S. & Luginaah, I. (2022) Nutrition and Health: Time for a Paradigm Shift for Climate Change. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases, 32(12), 2782-2785

Osei, L*., Arku, G. & Luginaah, I. (2022). “We Have Done Nothing Wrong”: Youth Miners’ Perceptions of The Environmental Consequences of Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining (ASM) in Ghana. The Extractive Industries and Society, 12: 101179

Mohammed, K*., Gazali, S. M., Batung, E*., Amoak, D*., Avoka, V. A., Kansanga, M., & Luginaah, I. (2022). Spatial analysis of climatic factors and plasmodium falciparum malaria prevalence among children in Ghana. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology, 100537

Konkor, I*., Luginaah, I., Husbands, W., Omorodion, F., Antabe, R*., Wong, J., ... & Etowa, J. (2022). Immigrant generational status and the uptake of HIV screening services among heterosexual men of African descent in Canada: Evidence from the weSpeak study. Journal of Migration and Health, 6, 100119

Akyeampong, E., Bend, J. R., Luginaah, I., Oscar Yawson, D., Jerry Cobbina, S., Ato Armah, F., ... & Quansah, R. (2022). Urinary Pesticide Residual Levels and Acute Respiratory Infections in Children Under 5 Years of Age: Findings From the Offinso North Farm Health Study. Environmental Health Insights, 16,

Kpienbaareh, D., Kansanga, M. M., Yiridoe, E., & Luginaah, I. (2022). Exploring the drivers of herbicide use and risk perception among smallholder farmers in Ghana. Gender, Technology and Development, 27(1), 109-135

Mohammed, K*., Batung, E*., Kansanga, M., Nyantakyi-Frimpong, H., & Luginaah, I. (2022). Does joint agricultural decision-making improve food security among smallholder farmers?. African Geographical Review, 42(3), 391-410

Batung, E*., Mohammed, K*., Kansanga, M. M*., Nyantakyi-Frimpong, H., & Luginaah, I. (2023). Credit access and perceived climate change resilience of smallholder farmers in semi-arid northern Ghana. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 25: 321-350

Owoputi, I., Booth, N., Luginaah, I., Nyantakyi-Frimpong, H., Shumba, L., Dakishoni, L., ... & Kerr, R. B. (2022). Does Crop Diversity Influence Household Food Security and Women’s Individual Dietary Diversity? A Cross-Sectional Study of Malawian Farmers in a Participatory Agroecology and Nutrition Project. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 43(4), 395-411

Kpienbaareh, D., Kerr, R. B., Nyantakyi-Frimpong, H., Amoak, D., Poveda, K., Nagothu, U. S., Vogel, C., Iverson, A., Mehreteab, T., Luginaah, I., Steffan-Dewenter, I., Wang, J., Kustner, G., Enloe, S., Mayer, V., Dakishoni, L., Lupafya, E., Shumba, L., Chunga, T., Kanyimbo, P., & Tembo, Y. (2022). Transdisciplinary agroecological research on biodiversity and ecosystem services for sustainable and climate resilient farming systems in Malawi. Advances in Ecological Research, 66, 3-35

Ragetlie, R*., Sano, Y., Hapinkpatin, A. W., & Luginaah, I. (2022). Association between poor food production and intimate partner violence among smallholder farmers in northwestern Benin. Global Public Health, 17(11): 2737-2751

Haruna, U*., Woods, H*., Kansanga*, M., Konkor, I*., Dixon, J*., & Luginaah, I. (2022). Enablers and barriers of community initiated health emergency transport systems in the Upper West Region of Ghana. African Geographical Review, 41(3), 281-298

Amoak, D., Luginaah, I., & McBean, G. (2022). Climate Change, Food Security, and Health: Harnessing Agroecology to Build Climate-Resilient Communities. Sustainability, 14(21), 13954

Kpienbaareh, D., Mohammed, K., Luginaah, I., Wang, J., Bezner Kerr, R., Lupafya, E., & Dakishoni, L. (2022). Estimating Groundnut Yield in Smallholder Agriculture Systems Using PlanetScope Data. Land, 11(10), 1752

Alibhai, K. M., Ziegler, B. R., Meddings, L., Batung, E., & Luginaah, I. (2022). Factors impacting antenatal care utilization: a systematic review of 37 fragile and conflict-affected situations. Conflict and Health, 16(1), 1-16

Kansanga, M. M., Sano, Y., Bayor, I., Braimah, J. A., Nunbogu, A. M., & Luginaah, I. (2022). Determinants of food insecurity among elderly people: findings from the Canadian Community Health Survey. Ageing & Society, 42(9), 2067-2081

Kpienbaareh, D., Kofinti, R. E., Konkor, I., Amoak, D., Kansanga, M. M., & Luginaah, I. (2022). Knowledge of pregnancy complications and utilization of antenatal care services in Rwanda. The International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 37(3), 1680-1693

Kansanga, M. M*., Konkor, I*., Kpienbaareh, D*., Mohammed, K*., Batung, E*., Nyantakyi-Frimpong, N., Kuuire, V*., & Luginaah, I. (2022). Time matters: A survival analysis of timing to seasonal food insecurity in semi-arid Ghana. Regional Environmental Change, 22(2), 1-16

Kpienbaareh, D., Luginaah, I., Bezner Kerr, R., Wang, J., Poveda, K., Steffan‐Dewenter, I., ... & Dakishoni, L. (2022). Assessing Local Perceptions of Deforestation, Forest Restoration, and the Role of Agroecology for Agroecosystem Restoration in northern Malawi. Land Degradation & Development. 33(7), 1088-1100

Antabe, R*., Sano, Y., & Luginaah, I. (2022). HIV Misconceptions among Married Women in Malawi: The Role of Household Decision-Making Autonomy. Journal of Public Health. 30, 537-544

Konkor, I*., Antabe, R*., Mkandawire, P., McIntosh, M. D., Lawson, E. S., Husbands, W., Wong, J., & Luginaah, I. (2022). Knowledge of Sexual Partner’s HIV Serostatus and the Practice of Safer Sex among Heterosexual men of African Descent in London, Ontario. Ethnicity & Health, 27(2), 375-387

Kpienbaareh, D*., Batung, E. S*., & Luginaah, I. (2022). Spatial and Temporal Change of Land Cover in Protected Areas in Malawi: Implications for Conservation Management. Geographies, 2(1), 68-86

Madsen, S., Bezner Kerr, R., LaDue, N., Luginaah, I., Dzanja, C., Dakishoni, L., Lupafya, E., Shumba, L., Hickey, C. (2021). Explaining the impact of agroecology on farm-level transitions to food security in Malawi. Food Security, 13(4), 933-954

Sano, Y., Antabe, R*., Kwon, E., Atuoye, K. N*., Anfaara, F*., & Luginaah, I. (2021). Disparities in Physical Activity Descriptive Norms: The Case of Immigrants and Racial/Ethnic Minorities in New York City. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education. 59(5), 307-317

Ziegler, B. R*., Kansanga, M., Sano, Y., Kangmennaang, J*., Kpienbaareh, D*., & Luginaah, I. (2021). Antenatal care and skilled birth in the fragile and conflict‐affected situation of Burundi. The International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 36(4), 1081-1106

Trudell, J. P., Burnet, M. L*., Ziegler, B. R*., & Luginaah, I. (2021). The Impact of Food Insecurity on Mental Health in Africa: A Systematic Review. Social Science & Medicine, 113953

Kpienbaareh, D*., & Luginaah, I. (2021). Mapping burnt areas in the semi-arid savannahs: an exploration of SVM classification and field surveys. GeoJournal, 86(2), 979-992

Kansanga, M. M*., Kangmennaang, J*., Kerr, R. B., Lupafya, E., Dakishoni, L., & Luginaah, I. (2021). Agroecology and household production diversity and dietary diversity: Evidence from a five-year agroecological intervention in rural Malawi. Social Science & Medicine, 288, 113550

Ragetlie, R*., Sano, Y., Antabe, R*., & Luginaah, I. (2020). Married women’s experiences of intimate partner violence and utilization of antenatal health care in Togo. Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare, 23, 100482

Ziegler, B. R*., Kansanga, M*., Sano, Y., Kangmennaang, J*., Kpienbaareh, D*., & Luginaah, I. (2020). Antenatal care utilization in the fragile and conflict-affected context of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Social Science & Medicine, 262, 113253

Kansanga, M. M*., Luginaah, I., Kerr, R. B., Dakishoni, L., & Lupafya, E. (2021). Determinants of smallholder farmers’ adoption of short-term and long-term sustainable land management practices. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 36(3), 265-277

Konkor, I*., Mkandawire, P*., Antabe, R*., Luginaah, I., Husbands, W., Wong, J., ... & McIntosh, M. D. (2021). Sexual Debut Among Heterosexual Men of African and Caribbean Descent: Are the Youth Initiating Sex Earlier than the Older Generation?. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 50, 2359–2369

Ngabonzima, A., Kenyon, C., Kpienbaareh, D., Luginaah, I., Mukunde, G., Hategeka, C., & Cechetto, D. F. (2021). Developing and implementing a model of equitable distribution of mentorship in districts with spatial inequities and maldistribution of human resources for maternal and newborn care in Rwanda. BMC Health Services Research, 21(1), 1-12

Batung, E*., Mohammed, K*., Kansanga, M. M*.., Nyantakyi-Frimpong, H., & Luginaah, I. (2021). Intra-household decision-making and perceived climate change resilience among smallholder farmers in semi-arid northern Ghana. SN Social Sciences, 1(12), 1-28

Mohammed, K*., Batung, E*., Kansanga, M*., Nyantakyi-Frimpong, H., & Luginaah, I. (2021). Livelihood diversification strategies and resilience to climate change in semi-arid northern Ghana. Climatic Change, 164(3), 1-23

Mkandawire, P., Kangmennaang, J*., Walker, C., Antabe, R*., Atuoye, K*., & Luginaah, I. (2021). Pregnancy intention and gestational age at first antenatal care visit in Lesotho. African Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health, 15 (1), 1-11

Husbands, W., Etowa, J., Oakes, W., Omorodion, F., Luginaah, I., Etowa, E., ... & Wong, J. P. H. (2021). Advancing research for HIV prevention among African, Caribbean and Black men: Protocol for a multisite cross-sectional study in Ontario (weSpeak study). Medicine, 100(18)

Ragetlie, R*., Hounkpatin, W. A., & Luginaah, I. (2021). Community perceptions of gendered alcohol misuse in a food insecure context: The case northwestern Benin. Social Science & Medicine, 114016

Kansanga, M. M*., Kerr, R. B., Lupafya, E., Dakishoni, L., & Luginaah, I. (2021). Does participatory farmer-to-farmer training improve the adoption of sustainable land management practices?. Land Use Policy, 108, 105477

Etowa, J., Loemba, H., Husbands, W., Wong, J., Omorodion, F., Luginaah, I., Etowa, E., & Ghose, B. (2021). Factors Associated with Condom Knowledge, Attitude, and Use among Black Heterosexual Men in Ontario, Canada. The Scientific World Journal, 2021

Boateng, G. O., Lartey, S. T., Baiden, P., Si, L., Biritwum, R. B., Kowal, P., Magnussen, C.G., Ben Taleb, Z., Palmer, A. J., & Luginaah, I. (2021). Measuring Hypertension Progression with Transition Probabilities: Estimates from the WHO SAGE Longitudinal Study. Frontiers in Public Health, 9, 304

Atuoye, K. N*., Luginaah, I., Hambati, H., & Campbell, G. (2021). Who are the losers? Gendered-migration, climate change, and the impact of large scale land acquisitions on food security in coastal Tanzania. Land Use Policy, 101, 105154

Antabe, R*., Sano, Y., Anfaara, W. F*., & Luginaah, I. (2021). “Reducing HIV Misconceptions among Males and Females in Malawi: Are We Making Progress?” AIDS Care, 33(3), 408-412

Bagambe, P. G*., Umubyeyi, A., & Luginaah, I. (2021). Effect of pregnancy intention on the timing and sustained use of antenatal care services in Rwanda. African Journal of Reproductive Health, 25(1), 90-100

Kpienbaareh, D*., Sun, X., Wang, J., Luginaah, I., Bezner Kerr, R., Lupafya, E., & Dakishoni, L. (2021). Crop Type and Land Cover Mapping in Northern Malawi Using the Integration of Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, and PlanetScope Satellite Data. Remote Sensing, 2021, 13, 700

Kansanga, M. M*., Sano, Y., Bayor, I., Braimah, J. A., Nunbogu, A. M., & Luginaah, I. (2021). Determinants of food insecurity among elderly people: findings from the Canadian Community Health Survey. Ageing & Society, 1-15

Bruser, G*., Katasi, R., Zhang, L. Z., Namasinga, M., Arts, E., Kityo, C., & Luginaah, I. (2021). Failure is not an option: Barriers to HIV treatment adherence in Kampala, Uganda. Health & Place, 67, 102481

Antabe, R*., Konkor, I*., McIntosh, M., Lawson, E., Husbands, W., Wong, J., Arku, G., Luginaah, I. (2021). “I went in there, had a bit of an issue with those folks.” Everyday Challenges of Heterosexual African, Caribbean and Black (ACB) Men in Accessing HIV/AIDS Services in London, Ontario. BMC Public Health, 21(1), 1-14

Kansanga, M. M*., Dinko, D. H., Nyantakyi-Frimpong, H., Arku, G., & Luginaah, I. (2021). Scalar politics and black markets: The political ecology of illegal rosewood logging in Ghana. Geoforum, 119, 83-93

Konkor, I*., Antabe, R*., Mkandawire, P., McIntosh, M. D., Lawson, E. S., Husbands, W., Wong, J., & Luginaah, I. (2021). Access to healthcare services among heterosexual Black men in Ontario, Canada. Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services, 20(1), 58-75

Gatzweiler, F., Fu, B., Rozenblat, C., Su, H. J. J., Luginaah, I., Corburn, J., ... & Zhu, Y. G. (2020). COVID-19 reveals the systemic nature of urban health globally. Cities & Health, 1-5

Antabe, R*., Atuoye, K. N*., Kuuire, V. Z*., Sano, Y., Arku, G., & Luginaah, I. (2020). To Move or not to Move: Community Members’ Reaction to Surface Mining Activities in the Upper West Region of Ghana. Society & Natural Resources, 33(3), 368-385

Kpienbaareh, D*., Kansanga, M. M*., Konkor, I*., & Luginaah, I. (2020). The Rise of the Fourth Estate: The Media, Environmental Policy, and the Fight against Illegal Mining in Ghana. Environmental Communication, 15(1), 69-84

Kpienbaareh, D*., Bezner Kerr, R., Luginaah, I., Wang, J., Lupafya, E., Dakishoni, L., & Shumba, L. (2020). Spatial and Ecological Farmer Knowledge and Decision-Making about Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity. Land, 9(10), 356

Baada, J. N*., Baruah, B., & Luginaah, I. (2020). Looming crisis–changing climatic conditions in Ghana’s breadbasket: the experiences of agrarian migrants. Development in Practice, 1-14

Anfaara, F. W*., Atuoye, K. N*., Antabe, R*., Sano, Y., & Luginaah, I. (2020). Hepatitis B knowledge among women and men in the upper west region of Ghana: What sources of health information matter?. The International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 35(5), 1098-1110

Kpienbaareh, D*., & Luginaah, I. (2020). Modeling the internal structure, dynamics and trends of urban sprawl in Ghanaian cities using remote sensing, spatial metrics and spatial analysis. African Geographical Review, 39(3), 189-207

Vercillo, S*., Weis, T., & Luginaah, I. (2020). A bitter pill: smallholder responses to the new green revolution prescriptions in northern Ghana. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 1-11

Escobar, K. M., Sivaram, M., Gorey, K. M., Luginaah, I. N., Kanjeekal, S. M., & Wright, F. C. (2020). Colon cancer care of Hispanic people in California: Paradoxical barrio protections seem greatest among vulnerable populations. Journal of Public Health Research, 9(3)

Kansanga, M. M*., Mkandawire, P., Kuuire, V., & Luginaah I. (2020). Agriculture mechanization, environmental degradation, and rural change in northern Ghana. Land Degradation & Development. 31, 1422-1440

Johnson, M., Brook, J. R., Brook, R. D., Oiamo, T. H*., Luginaah, I., Peters, P. A., & Spence, J. D. (2020). Traffic-Related Air Pollution and Carotid Plaque Burden in a Canadian City with Low-Level Ambient Pollution. Journal of the American Heart Association, 9(7), e013400

Konkor, I*., Lawson, E. S., Antabe, R*., McIntosh, M. D., Husbands, W., Wong, J., & Luginaah, I. (2020). An Intersectional Approach to HIV Vulnerabilities and Testing Among Heterosexual African Caribbean and Black Men in London, Ontario: Results From the weSpeak Study. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 1-10

Kansanga, M. M*., Luginaah, I., Bezner Kerr, R., Lupafya, E., & Dakishoni, L. (2020). Beyond ecological synergies: examining the impact of participatory agroecology on social capital in smallholder farming communities. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 27(1), 1-14

Kansanga, M*., Ahmed, A., Kuusaana, E. D., Oteng-Ababio, M., & Luginaah, I. (2020). Of waste facility siting and relational geographies of place: Peri-urban landfills, community resistance and the politics of land control in Ghana. Land Use Policy, 96, 104674

Stieb, D. M., Shutt, R. H., Kauri, L. M., Mason-Renton, S*., Chen, L., Szyszkowicz, M., Dobbin, N. A., Rigden, M., Jovic, B., Mulholland, M., Green, M. S., Liu, L., Pelletier, G., Weichenthal, S.A., Dales, R. F., Andrade, J., & Luginaah, I. (2019). Associations between air pollution and cardio-respiratory physiological measures in older adults exercising outdoors, International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 1-14

Mkandawire, P*., Atari, O*., Madut, K., Rishworth, A*., & Luginaah, I. (2019). Men’s perceptions of women’s reproductive health in South Sudan. Health and Place, 58 102157

Kangmennaang, J*., Mkandawire, P*., & Luginaah, I. (2019). Breast cancer screening among women in Namibia: explaining the effect of health insurance coverage and access to information on screening behaviours. Global Health Promotion, 26(3), 50-61

Antabe, R*., Sano, Y., Anfaara, F. W*., Kansanga, M*., Chai, X., & Luginaah, I. (2019). Antenatal care utilization and female genital mutilation in Kenya. Sexuality & Culture, 23(3), 705-717

Antabe, R*., Atuoye, K. N*., Sano, Y., Kuuire, V. Z*., Galaa, S. Z., & Luginaah, I. (2019). Health insurance enrolment in the Upper West Region of Ghana: Does food security matter?. International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 34(4), 1621-1632

Baada, J. N*., Baruah, B., & Luginaah, I. (2019). ‘What we were running from is what we’re facing again’: examining the paradox of migration as a livelihood improvement strategy among migrant women farmers in the Brong-Ahafo Region of Ghana. Migration and Development, 8(3), 448-471

Kpienbaareh, D*., Kansanga, M*., & Luginaah, I. (2019). Examining the potential of open source remote sensing for building effective decision support systems for precision agriculture in resource-poor settings. GeoJournal, 84, 1481–1497

Kansanga, M. M*., Antabe, R*., Sano, Y., Mason-Renton, S*., & Luginaah, I. (2019). A feminist political ecology of agricultural mechanization and evolving gendered on-farm labor dynamics in northern Ghana. Gender, Technology and Development, 23(3), 207-233

Quansah, R., Bend, J. R., Armah, F. A., Bonney, F., Aseidu, J., Yawson, D. O., Adu, M.O., Luginaah, I., Essumang, D.K., Abdul-Rahaman, A., & Cobbina, S. (2019). Respiratory and non-respiratory symptoms associated with pesticide management practices among farmers in Ghana’s most important vegetable hub. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 191(12), 716

Ziegler, B. R*., Wray, A. J., & Luginaah, I. (2019). The ever-changing narrative: Supervised injection site policy making in Ontario, Canada. International Journal of Drug Policy, 74, 98-111

Konkor, I*., Sano, Y., Antabe, R*., Kansanga, M*., & Luginaah, I. (2019). Exposure to Mass Media Family Planning Messages among Post-Delivery Women in Nigeria: Testing the Structural Influence Model of Health Communication. The European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care. 24 (1), 18-23

Kpienbaareh, D*., & Luginaah, I. (2019). After the flames then what? Exploring the linkages between wildfires and household food security in the northern Savannah of Ghana. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 26 (7), 612-624

Gilliland, J. Maltby, M., Xu, X., Luginaah, I., Loebach, J., & Shah, T. (2019). Is Active Travel a Breath of Fresh Air? Examining Children’s Exposure to Air Pollution During the School Commute. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology, 29, 51-57

Atuoye, K. N*., Bayne, J., Antabe, R*., Sano, Y., & Luginaah, I. (2019). Household income diversification and food security insecurity in the Upper West Region of Ghana. Social Indicators Research, 144(2), 899-920

Kangmennaang, J*., Mkandawire, P*., & Luginaah, I. (2019). Determinants of risky sexual behaviours among adolescents in Central African Republic, Eswatini and Ghana: evidence from multi-indicator cluster surveys. African Journal of AIDS Research, 18(1), 38

Kansanga, M. M*., Arku, G., & Luginaah, I. (2019). Powers of exclusion and counter-exclusion: The political ecology of ethno-territorial customary land boundary conflicts in Ghana. Land Use Policy, 86, 12-22

Tuyisenge, G*., Hategeka, C., Kasine, Y., Luginaah, I., Cechetto, D., & Rulisa, S. (2019). Mothers’ perceptions and experiences of using maternal health care services in Rwanda. Women & Health, 59(1), 68-84

Vearey, J., Luginaah, I., Magitta, N. F., Shilla, D. J., & Oni, T. (2019). Urban health in Africa: a critical global public health priority. BMC Public Health, 19: 340.

Kpienbaareh, D*., Atuoye, K. N*., Ngabonzima, A., Bagambe, P. G*., Rulisa, S., Luginaah, I., & Cechetto, D. F. (2019). Spatio-temporal disparities in maternal health service utilization in Rwanda: What next for SDGs?. Social Science & Medicine, 226, 164-175

Konkor, I*., Kansanga, M*., Sano, Y., Antabe, R*., & Luginaah, I. (2019). Community perceptions and misconceptions of motorcycle accident risks in the Upper West Region of Ghana. Travel Behaviour and Society, 15, 157-165

Kansanga, M. M*., Braimah, J*., Antabe, R*., Sano, Y., Kyeremeh, E., & Luginaah, I. (2019). Examining the association between exposure to mass media and health insurance enrolment in Ghana. International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 26(1), 11-24

Konkor, I*., Kansanga, M*., Sano, Y., Atuoye, K*., & Luginaah, I. (2019). Risk-taking behaviours and timing to first motorbike collision in the Upper West Region of Ghana. Journal of Transport & Health, 12, 105-114

Atuoye, K. N*., Luginaah, I., Hambati, H., & Campbell, G. (2019). Politics, economics, how about our health? Impacts of large-scale land acquisitions on therapeutic spaces and wellbeing in coastal Tanzania. Social science & medicine, 220, 283-291

Kansanga, M*., & Luginaah, I. (2019) Agrarian livelihoods under siege: Carbon forestry, tenure constraints and the rise of capitalist forest enclosures in Ghana. World Development, 113, 131-142

Mkandawire, P*., Atari, O*., Kangmennaang, J*., Arku, G., Luginaah, I., & Etowa, J. (2019). Pregnancy intention and gestational age at first antenatal care (ANC) visit in Rwanda. Midwifery, 68, 30-38

Gorey, K. M., Bartfay, E., Kanjeekal, S. M., Wright, F. C., Hamm, C., Luginaah, I. N., Zou, G., Holowaty, E. J., Richter, N. L., and Balagurusamy, M. K. (2019). Palliative chemotherapy among people living in poverty with metastasised colon cancer: facilitation by primary care and health insurance. British Medical Journal: Supportive & Palliative Care, 9(3), e24-e24

Mason-Renton, S*., & Luginaah, I. (2019). Lasting impacts and perceived inequities: Community reappraisal of the siting of a regional biosolids processing facility in rural Ontario. Journal of Risk Research, 22 (8), 1044-1061

Chapters in Books

Bisung, E*., Dixon, J.* & Luginaah, I. (2018). Development: the past, present and future contributions of health geography. In Routledge Handbook of Health Geography (pp. 42-49). Routledge

Nyantakyi-Frimpong, H., Hickey, C., Lupafya, E., Dakishoni, L., Bezner-Kerr, R., Nyirenda, B., Nkhonya, Z., Luginaah, I., Katundu, M. & Gondwe, G. (2017). A farmer-to-farmer agroecological approach to addressing food security in Malawi. In T. Wakeford, M. Chang 30 and C. Anderson (Eds.). Everyday Experts: How people’s knowledge can transform the food system (pp. 121-136). Coventry University, United Kingdom

Mason, S. A., Walker, C., Baxter, J. & Luginaah, I. (2016). Reflections on praxis. In Fenton, N. E., & Baxter, J. (Eds.), Practicing Qualitative Methods in Health Geographies (pp. 54-72). Routeledge: London

Armah, F. A., Luginaah, I., Hambati, H., Chuenpagdee, R. & Campbell, G. (2016) Evaluating Differences in Barriers to Climate Change Adaptation Between the Poor and Nonpoor in Coastal Tanzania. In Innovation in Climate Change Adaptation (pp. 365-388). Springer International Publishing

Bezner-Kerr, R., Nyantakyi-Frimpong, H., Lupafya, E., Dakishoni, L., Shumba, L. & Luginaah, I. (2016). Building resilience in African smallholder farming communities through farmer-led agroecological methods. In N. Sekhar (Ed.). Climate Change and Agricultural Development: Improving Resilience Through Climate Smart Agriculture, Agroecology and Conservation (p.109-130). London: Routledge