4000 Level Courses

Fourth Year Courses are very limited in number. All are Program courses, but the numbering convention is less restrictive as “capstone courses” are often cross-disciplinary.

49xx are Thesis Courses, and have a 1.5 course weight. Preparation for a thesis course often begins by contacting potential supervisors in the previous winter term.

4000B The Nature and Philosophy of Geography

Discussion of geographical paradigms within a historical and social context. A central concern is the relationship between the academic and professional practice of geography.

Prerequisite(s): 4th year status, and enrollment in a Specialization, Major or Honors Specialization in the Department of Geography

Extra Information: 2 hours, 0.5 course.

4450F Climate Change and Collective Action

Explores the role of collective action in addressing the climate crisis. Examines theories of the state, civil society and social change, and historic and ongoing tactics of social and environmental movements. Urges shifting the focus of action from “what can I do?” toward “what can we do?”

Prerequisite(s): Third or fourth year status at the University and at least two of the following: Geography 1200A/B, Geography 2133A/B, Geography 3350A/B, Geography 3443F/G, Geography 3446F/G, or permission of the instructor.

Extra Information: 2 lecture hours, 1 tutorial hours, 0.5 course.

4900E - Thesis

A thesis on a geographical problem including the results of field work, cartographic representation, and a study of the relevant literature.

Prerequisite(s): Fourth year status, and enrollment in an Honors program with a Specialization or Major in the Department of Geography.

Extra Information: Hours by arrangement, 1.5 course.

Detailed Course Information

4901E - Thesis (Science)

A thesis on a geographical problem in the natural, physical or technical sciences.

Prerequisite(s): Fourth year status, and enrollment in an Honors program with a Specialization or Major in the Department of Geography.

Extra Information: Hours by arrangement, 1.5 course.

Detailed Course Information