Finding a Supervisor

An important first step is to find the right supervisor as all potential applicants must secure a supervisory commitment from one of our faculty members, prior to applying to our programs. It is important to find a good match between both your research interests and a thesis supervisor. Our graduate program is strongly research-oriented, and the completion of a thesis is the main focus of all our graduate degree programs. Here you will find information about current faculty projects and research interests that should help you find an appropriate supervisor.

We have several research opportunities for graduate research at both the Masters and PhD levels. The links below provide an overview of faculty research interests as well as funded projects that require students. As there is not always a perfect match between existing projects and student research interests, all faculty will consider supervising original projects that overlap with their own areas of expertise. All applicants must secure a supervisory commitment prior to making an application. Contact a potential supervisor(s) before applying to the program.


Please contact the Graduate Administrator with any questions regarding the graduate program.
Phone: 519-661-2111, Ext. 85033;