Urban Studies
Cities are confusing places: in some locales, we find rapid economic growth, with an infusion of firms and high-paying jobs; in others, we find clusters of dilapidated housing and high crime rates. The range of issues across the social and economic landscape is also perplexing. What causes these phenomena to occur? Urban Studies research focuses on phenomenon and societal issues in the context of cities. The research topics include urban development, urban land and real estate economics, urban morphology, planning, housing, health, history, culture and geomatics. Current projects by members of the Department of Geography and Environment include research on: recent decline in the downtown quaternary functions in North American cities; spatial demographics of educational demand; urban opportunities for youth gambling; urban environmental influences on childhood obesity; geographic studies of paediatric trauma; urban forms for seniors' independence and mobility; property acquisition and social mobility; spatial patterning of urban crime; geographies of personal networks; urban demographics and housing choices; uncertainty and household mobility; and the Imag(in)ing London historical GIS project.
Find Faculty Supervisors in this Area:

Graduate Chair Professor (On Sabbatical - July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025) Western Faculty Scholar garku@uwo.ca
519-661-2111, x. 85343 Room 2427, SSC
Research Areas Housing and economic development; Urban development and policy analysis; Regional and local economic development policy and planning; Third World development issues (esp. Africa)
Teaching People, Places and Landscapes; Urban Development; Urban Economic Development; Urban Geography of the Developing World

(Acting) Graduate Chair Professor jamie.baxter@uwo.ca
519-661-2111, x. 81241 Room 1407, SSC
Research Areas Social construction of risk, community responses to technological hazards, renewable energy policy, noxious facility siting, and methodology
Teaching Environmental Hazards & Human Health; Qualitative Methods; Research Design, Environment, Economy and Society

Associate Professor Director, Western Centre for Urban Policy and Local Governance mbuzzell@uwo.ca
519-661-2111, x. 85329 Room 2429, SSC
Research Areas Higher education policy, research on teaching and learning, society-space relationships with a focus on housing, health and GIS
Teaching Housing, The Geoweb & Geomedia, Research Design and Methodology

Professor (On Sabbatical - July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025) Director, Urban Development Program Cross Appointed with School of Health Studies and the Department of Paediatrics jgillila@uwo.ca
519-661-2111, x. 81239 Room 2432, SSC
Research Areas Healthy Communities, Active Transportation, Children's Geographies, Food Environments, Health Geography and GIS
Teaching Healthy Cities; Land Use and Development Issues; Graduate Seminar in Urban Studies; Advanced Urban Social Geography; Systematic Reviews for Environment, Development and Health

Associate Professor (No longer accepting students) jhopkins@uwo.ca
519-661-2111, x. 85027 Room 2423, SSC
Research Areas Cultural geography, gender, public places
Teaching Social Geography; Urban Culture; Cultural Geography; Geography of Gender; Advanced Cultural Geography

Assistant Professor jinhyung.lee@uwo.ca
519-661-2111, x. 85025 Room 2413, SSC
Research Areas Transportation, time geography, spatial accessibility, inequalities, geographic data science
Teaching GIScience, transport geography

Undergraduate Chair Associate Professor aleszczy@uwo.ca
519-661-2111, x. 80161 Room 2425, SSC
Research Areas Digital geographies, platforms and cities, digital location/geolocation, GIScience & Society
Teaching Geographic Information Science; Digital Geographies

Professor Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada Fellow of the African Academy of Sciences Co-Director of the Western Centre for Climate Change, Sustainable Livelihoods and Health (WeCLISH) iluginaa@uwo.ca
519-661-2111, x. 86944 Room 1409, SSC
Research Areas Environment and health, air pollution, GIS and health, HIV/AIDS
Teaching Geography of Health and Health Care; Environment and Health; Advanced Studies in Environment, Development & Health

Assistant Professor rtchouka@uwo.ca
519-661-2111, x. 85030 Room 2413, SSC
Research Areas Urban planning, cultural geographies, public space, food cultures, community-engaged research
Teaching Economic geography, qualitative methods, sustainable urban planning

Professor jfwang@uwo.ca
519-661-2111, x. 85017 Room 2402, SSC
Research Areas Remote sensing and GIS
Teaching Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS); Remote Sensing; Advanced Topics in Remote Sensing; Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (Graduate); Remote Sensing Digital Image Analysis (Graduate)