Research Opportunities

images from SRM lab

Natasha MacBean – C3E Lab: Carbon Cycle, Climate And Ecosystems

Dr. MacBean is seeking applications for undergraduate honors thesis and graduate students (MSc and PhD) for the upcoming academic year (starting September 2025) to conduct research on the following topics:

  • Process-based modeling dryland ecosystem processes
  • Climate change impacts on drylands
  • The role of drylands in global carbon cycling

Interested applicants should email Dr. MacBean with their CV/resume, transcript, and a brief statement of research interests and experience. Please see the opportunities page on lab website for further details.

images from SRM lab

Geneviève Metson – Sustainable Resource Management Lab

There are multiple positions available with a September 2025 start date in the SRM lab. The lab conducts research which aims to transform how we manage resources to ensure food security and water quality around the world with a special focus nutrients, cities, and therelationship of cities to their agricultural hinterlands. Detailed information about openings is available on the lab website, along with how to get in touch if you are interested.

images from LARS lab

Katrina Eyvindson - Lakes and Reservoir Systems (LARS) Research Facility

The Lakes and Reservoir Systems (LARS) Research Facility provides opportunities for students to gain expertise in paleolimnological techniques that are used to study the effects of climate change and nutrient enrichment on water resources. LARS currently has a number of undergraduate and graduate student opportunities available.

BSc or MSc Paleolimnological Research Opportunity

  • A Paleolimnological Investigation of Rock Glacier Lakes in the Uinta Mountains of Utah

MSc or PhD Paleolimnological Research Opportunity

  • Algal Blooms in Small Ponds in Southwestern Ontario – Causes and Consequences
  • Holocene Records of Environmental Change in Southwestern Ontario

Please email Katrina Eyvindson and provide a transcript and resume if you are interested.

Katrina Eyvindson biography

Jed Long - Geospatial Analysis Lab

MSc Opportunity – Canadian students only

The Geospatial Lab ( at Western University is seeking an MSc student to work on either of the following two projects:

  1. Big data for studying impacts of outdoor recreation on wildlife
  2. Understanding home-working trends using mobile-phone data

Please send Dr. Long an email to express interest in either of these topics.

Jed Long biography