

The purpose of diagnostics is to keep students on track to completing in a timely manner, to ensure they are producing high quality work, and to identify any student needs towards these goals. It is important to keep in mind that a diagnostic is only one way to help students progress, but it is ultimately the job of the student to see that high quality work is completed in a timely manner. The diagnostics meetings are meant to ensure all requirements of the program are being met, including satisfactory progress in thesis research, and that the department is meeting the needs of the student. All students have a diagnostic meeting with their supervisor and the thesis committee member(s) each year.

Process: The Form

The process is initiated by the student who, after having completed (updated) the diagnostic form, sends the form to their supervisor and committee member(s) in advance of their scheduled meeting. The process ends when this form is signed by all participants. Though the form should contain comments about the level of satisfaction with progress, the signatures on the form simply indicate that a meeting has occurred and everyone is aware of the contents. Students enrolled in collaborative programs, such as the Environment and Sustainability program, must also complete a separate thesis advisor meeting form required by those programs.

Identifying Committee Member(s)

The student and supervisor need to identify committee members prior to their first diagnostic i.e., Spring of year one. Masters thesis advisory committee requires (at least) one member + supervisor, while the PhD thesis advisory committee requires (at least) two + supervisor.

Process: Roles


  • consult with supervisor to indicate the members of relevant committee(s)
  • ahead of the meeting, fill out and circulate the diagnostic form to the rest of
    the committee to:
    • indicate which courses (with grades) and program milestones that have been completed
    • summarize the thesis progress in the past year
    • outline the research plan for the coming year
  • sign the diagnostic form (at the diagnostics meeting)


  • consult with student to indicate the members of relevant committees
  • provide feedback on the students thesis progress and research plan
  • outline the plan for summer funds
  • sign the diagnostic form (at the diagnostics meeting)
  • once all signatures are obtained, submit the diagnostic form to the Graduate Administrator, electronically

Thesis committee member(s):

  • provide feedback on the students thesis progress and research plan
  • sign the diagnostic form (at the diagnostics meeting)

Process: Timing and Content

Each diagnostic period will consist of at least one single group meeting with all participants. Year one Masters students meet in both the Spring of year 1 and Fall of year 2 (i.e., in the same calendar year). Be mindful of completing all program components in a timely manner!

New Students (Spring)

New Masters and PhD students have a diagnostic focused on next steps in the program. The next step for Masters students is typically the proposal; while for PhD students, it is comprehensive and proposal exam preparation. Diagnostics are separate from the proposal and comprehensive exam milestones.

Participants should include: student, supervisor, comprehensive (proposal)/thesis committee member(s)

Continuing Students (Fall)

Continuing students must have a diagnostic in which they outline their thesis progress, their research plan for the coming year and plans to fulfill program milestones.

Participants should include: student, supervisor, comprehensive (proposal)/thesis committee member(s)

Year X students (Fall)

Students who are near or have exceeded the maximum registration period for completion of their program (Master's-3yrs; Doctoral-6yrs) must hold a diagnostic meeting each term until completion of their program.  This meeting will be chaired by the Graduate Chair.  Additionally, Year X students will be required to complete a Request for Extension of Deadline to Complete form for submission /approval. This form constitutes a time-limited plan for completion of all degree requirements.

Participants should include: student, supervisor, thesis committee member(s), Grad Chair


Please contact the Graduate Administrator with any questions regarding the graduate program.

Phone: 519-661-2111, Ext. 85033;

Email: ljohns24@uwo.ca